Chapter 99

Evelyn kissed Nathan as she delved deeper into his mouth, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him. Her soft breast was pushing onto his hard chest.

Nathan's eyes grew wider with her every move, her lips were plump and sweet. She tasted like honey as she kept on giving him more of her sweetness.

"Stop" he said but Evelyn wasn't willing to let go.

She caressed his neck as she bit and sucked on it lightly, Nathan felt he was going crazy, her tongue on his skin was driving him crazy.

Evelyn stopped kissing him as she smiled at him.

"Then we would be friends" she said as she stretched her hands and he took it and kissed it.

"Friends" he said before turning to leave the room.

"I think you should practice fighting with your friend before fighting with the dragon tommorow" she said and Nathan slowly nodded.

Zach was inside the house and he saw all that happened with Evelyn and Nathan. He knew Nathan wouldn't hurt her and he might reciprocate his feelings later.