Chapter 100

Nathan kept his hands on the dragon's teeth as he kept grunting, blood was seeping down his hands as the dragon's sharp teeth cut through his hands.

"Please God, help him this once" Zach begged, he never begged for anything as he got it whether it was his or not,

Nathan and Zach can be seen as brothers because they have the same thing In common.

"arrgh" Nathan kept grunting, the dragon wasn't making it easy for him as it kept blazing out fire and since Nathan was a dragon, he wasn't affected.

"One last time" he said as he tore the dragon apart.

"Whoaa" the audience gasped, no body has ever killed the dragon, this was so shocking.

"Your majesty, he killed it, he killed it" the man kept ranting.

"Shut up, I can see it clearly" The king said as he kept tapping his long fingers on the arm of the throne.

Nathan licked the blood of the dragon splashed on his body. He turned to face the king, the king nodded, the young demon was just like his father, they were very powerful.