Chapter 101

They had almost reached the kingdom, just as they suspected the big gate was closed and Kiel could be seen with hordes of armies.

"Hi, stupid fellas" Zach said as they arrived right in front of Kiel and his armies.

"You would kill your brother?, I wish I could be proud of you" Zach said sarcastically.

"You don't have to blame me, brother would do the same" Kiel said as he glanced at Nathan.

"I wouldn't think twice to kill you, annoying brat" Nathan said.

Kiel glanced at the woman as he looked at Nathan.

"You changed your taste?, she isn't enough for you?" Zach asked referring to rose.

"You had better shut up, before I set fire on your stupid mouth" Zach said as he glared at Kiel with rage.

"You would support your friend on being a nuisance?"Kiel asked, he was trying so hard to enrage Nathan.

"Shut up, I mean shut up right now!?" Zach yelled.