Camp 3

Rebecca wanted to enter the water to search for Karen but they held her back, she might die if the alligators catch her.

"Karen, Karen!!" she called, he was in the water for so long, it's been two hours now since he was in the water and they were waiting for him to show up but he never did. Becca's eyes started to cloud with tears, she shouldn't have added swimming on her list...

They stared at the water and before they knew it blood started covering the water, their eyes widened in horror, was that the alligators blood or Karen's?, they didn't know and then the water started making ripples as Karen emerged from it, he looked so freighting as his eyes turned purple, he was very angry at Becca why the hell would she bring them here?. He got out from the water unscathed, he dealt with all the alligators and they were good as dead.