Camp 4

The guys woke up early as they took their bath before the ladies. The ladies also took their bath as they prepared food that was shared amongst themselves. Becca was pondering last night on how Karen rejected her, well it was good that way, she didn't want to fall deeper for him and end up suffering from an unrequited love.

"Becca, what did we have for today?" Andrew asked, he was sitting very close to Becca as he stared at her face, not minding the deadly glares that Karen threw at him.

"Searching for gems, well I have to change that, not everyone is with the compass. We would get lost if we separate". Becca said as she focused on what she was doing, she didn't even talk to Karen since morning, it's not that she was angry with him, but she couldn't bear to get hurt if he speaks to her in a coercive tone.

"Are you two fighting?" Andrew asked as he stared at Karen whose face darkened at the sight of them.

"Nope" Becca replied.