" That didn't go well, " his fiancée said sadly as the elevator doors closed behind them. Yuri wisely not to chose to reply.

They stood next to each other, close but not touching, the silence between them sharpened by Kathy's aura of dignified sorrow. He was torn between the amusement and fascination at the sight. 'Only Kathryn Ice Rewis', Yuri thought wryly, 'could look like beautiful suffering to Madame Antonia without even crying a single tear'.

Nobody feeling like shit had the right to look as good as his fiancée did. If the other volunteers could see her now, they would no doubt hate her more. Probably even think she was faking it.

But because Yuri know Kathy would rather kill herself than fake anything, he took pity on her and drew her close, murmuring. " Don't let it get to you. "

She didn't answer, staying quiet and still in the circle of his arms, absolutely picture-perfect in her sorrow that it tempted him to smile. Finally, he heard her say with a morose sigh, " You may say it now. "

It was Kathy's queenly voice again, and this time he couldn't stop his lips for twitching as he asked, " Say what? "

" You know. " she lifted her serious gaze up to him. " Grandmother always says it when I disobey her and I have to suffer consequences for it. "

He shook his head saying honestly, " I have no clue what you're talking about. "

" You may say, I told you so. " This was uttered in Kathy's best Queen Mary of Scots voice.

'Ah,' he almost laughed. " I don't think I should, " he said solemnly. " You make it sound no different from a beheading. "

The elevator doors slid open then, and taking hold of her hand, he led her to the officers' private kitchen slash dining room. " Shall we just eat in the kitchen? " he asked.

She nodded and allowed him to seat her on one of the stools around the island.

" What do you feel like eating? ". The bitch of a volunteer had gotten her claws into Kathy before she could even take a single bite from her plate, and Yuri's lips compressed at the memory.

" No. " - Yuri's answered.

Startled, Yuri's head swung in Kathy's direction but found her chewing her lip while gazing at the cupboards. " Did you say anything? ". At the back of his mind, he remembered the latest message from the doctor, about Kathy talking to herself when she was unsettled.

" I saw it in your face. " Kathy's tone was absent minded as she got off her stool. " You plan to have a word with the volunteer. " As she spoke, Kathy walked towards the cupboards like someone hypnotized. " You mustn't, through. It will only create greater discord. " She reached for the handles as if in a trance.

The cupboards opened. Yuri forgot what we had to say when he saw the look of bliss in Kathy's eyes.

" Oh, Yuri. " he heard her breathe softly. " So. Much. Food. " She whirled around, her eyes glowing as they sought his. " And from all over the world! How? "

It took him a beat to answer. " You have Aria to thank for this. " Nothing in his steady voice betrayed the sudden rawness that squeezed his chest. He was suddenly remembering the years Kathy's tormentor had starved her as a child.

" Want to be the one to fix our breakfast? " he heard himself ask. Her eyes widened. " I'm...allowed? "

" This is your home now, and we're a family here. " he said gently. " This kitchen is yours as much as it is anyone else's. " Others would have protested coyly at his words. Others would have thanked him. But Kathy only nodded. " I see. " he said.

And if he hadn't been watching her as closely as she was staring at him now, he would have thought he had imagined it.


And then it was gone, Kathy moving around the kitchen like a goddess. Gliding instead of walking, her hands dancing in the air even though she was doing something as simple as taking a bottle of jam out of the cupboard.

Sunlight from the window above the sink filtered in, giving Kathy a halo, so golden and bright, Yuri could almost convince himself he had imagined it. But he knew, he hadn't. Kathy was afraid, and he knew enough of her past to understand what her fears wear.

She was afraid he might take his words back, afraid that she would be alone again if he ever walked away. 'Three words', Yuri thought, his fists clenching against his side in frustration. He knew he only had to say three words and she would never feel afraid again.

But he couldn't bring himself to say it first. He had lie to her too many times already. He didn't want to add to them as much as he could help it. " It's ready. " Kathy's soft voice pulled him out from the darkness.

He blinked and found her pushing a plate of bear shaped sandwiches towards him. Deli meat and cheese made up ears for the bread, which had olives for the eyes, nose and mouth. White paper towels were wrapped around the lower halves of the bread to make it look like they were tucked in for bed.

He shook his head, amazed. " You did this from scratch? " Kathy only cocked her head to the side, her gaze quizzical. " In five minutes? " She only stared at him, her violet eyes asking what was so weird about that.

Yuri's lips twitched, " Never mind. " He took one of the sandwiches and handed it to her. " Thank you. " They ate in silence. He waited for the boredom to set in, but it never did. Instead, his fascination of Kathy increased, with the way she seemed to savor each bite, her eyes closing as she chewed ever so slowly.

Had she always enjoyed her meals like this? And did she know how much he wanted to eat her in return. The thought came out of nowhere, and he shifted on his seat uncomfortably as his dick went into full erection mode. " Is something wrong? "

" Ah... " Yuri found himself uncommonly lost for words, and he couldn't help his gaze from straying back to his arousal. 'Down.boy.Down', he thought. But it only became bigger, longer and harder.

" Oh? " Kathy's sad voice had him looking up. " You want me again. " If anything, her voice became sadder, and he was torn between wanting to strangle and kiss her. In the end, though, Yuri only let out a small sigh. " You're not please I want you, sweetheart? "

" Only because I can't seem to want you back in the same way? " She watched Kathy raise her sandwich to her mouth and take a dainty bite, thinking sardonically that any man with a lesser self esteem would have had his dick die at her sheer indifference.

Unfortunately for her, he was a man with a very healthy self esteem, and an even healthier libido. " You're not going to eat? " Kathy's voice drew his attention back to her, and Yuri saw her patting her mouth with a napkin.

" I will. " As he picked up his sandwich, he asked. " Not counting the volunteers, how do you find your life so far? " A half minute passed before she answered, " It's pleasant. "

He grinned. He could no longer help it, knowing that people who didn't understand how Kathy was would have thought she was damning them with faint praise.

" It's also different, " Kathy was adding. He nodded.

" Too many people around you? "

" Yes. But I'm adjusting. I know I have nothing to be afraid of. "

" Because I'm here? " He teased and laughed when she shook her head solemnly at him.

" It's because, " she corrected him seriously.

" You love me. " - Kathy, added.

'Ah', Yuri thought.

A ghost of a smile flitted over his lips as Yuri suddenly found himself struggling to bury a despised memory. He closed his eyes for a moment, using the time to ruthlessly force that part of his mind to shut down. He was no longer that man. He would never be that man even if he had to isolate himself for the rest of his life.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Kathy staring at him. Mistaking it for hurt that he hadn't say anything in return, he sought her hand and brought it to his lips. " Sorry. "

He pressed another kiss to her knuckles. " You made me remember something I've always wanted to forget. " She nodded, and he smiled, one that reached, his eyes this time.

Yuri realized then that he liked this strange, beautiful reticence of hers. She forgave with a nod and mean it. He wished he could be like her, rather than just a pale, broken imitation.

Then he noticed Kathy staring at him again, and he asked, " Do I have something on the face? " Stepping off the stool, she shook her head. " It's not that. " She took out a pitcher of lemon infused water from the fridge and poured each of them a glass.

Kathy handed it to him, and he murmured his thanks before raising the glass to his lips. He took a sip---

" I was thinking I'd like it if we could kiss again. " And he almost chocked.

He slowly lowered the glass back to the table. A minute ago, she had told him she didn't want him. But now she wanted to kiss him?

" If I didn't know better, " Yuri told before conversationally, " I'd be tempted to ask you the same question Andreus did. "

Kathy's lips curved in a rare, sheepish smile. " I don't understand it myself. When you kiss me, I feel...right. But when you touch me... "

When she didn't continue, Yuri said. " When I touch you...what? "

His fianceé gave him a helpless glance. " I don't know. "

Yuri released a small sigh. " Never mind. " His ego could take it. Glancing at Kathy, he patted her lap and found himself smiling when she acquiesced with another simple nod.

Deciding to surprise her, he grasped her by the waist and had her gasping as she found herself straddling his lap on the stool.

" That, " Kathy said breathlessly. " was fast. " One hand clutching his shoulder for balance, she brought her other hand to her chest. " My heart is beating fast, too. " Her eyes were shinning as she spoke, her cheeks flushed, and the truth dawned on him. It was too late.

Too damn late, even if he wouldn't- wouldn't- allow the words too even cross his mind.

Too goddamn late, maybe even as far back as the first time he set eyes on her four years ago. Kathryn Ice Rewis had gotten under his skin to steal a piece of his heart.

God. Damn. It

" Ah, Kathy. " He didn't let either of them speak after that, simply cupping her face with both hands as he took her lips. She gasped, but he didn't let her go, even leaning back against the edge of the counter so he could balance himself and kiss him deeper.

A small pair of hands clutched his shoulders tightly. " Yuri... "

God. He sucked on her tongue, thinking he could listen to her moan his name all night long.

" Yuri... " She kissed him just as wildly, and he almost, almost lost it.

Tearing his mouth away before he ended up losing his mind and fucking her on the kitchen counter, he started a wet trail down her neck. Her fingers crept up to clutch his hair as he started sucking on the pulse on the side of her neck.

" Yuri... I feel... I want... I don't understand... "

But he did. She was clutching his head more tightly now, her body demanding him to suck harder even if her mind hadn't completely caught up.

No fucking problem. Yuri hungrily obliged, drawing the tender skin between his teeth. He did it again and again, his cock throbbing in the same pulsing pace.

" Oh, Yuri. " She arched against him. And that was when they both felt it. Stunned, Yuri pulled back to stare down at what he thought he felt.

Her breast, swelling above the neckline, and it's nipples. Oh her sweet, pink nipples had come to life, hardened tips puckering against the thin fabric of her dress.

Kathy was staring down at herself as well. " I think... I want you. "

" Yeah, " he managed hoarsely. He was barely able to keep his hand off her breast, too damn worried to make an unexpected move that might frighten her off and have Kathy indifferent to him again.

She raised her gaze to his, her eyes filled with undisguised wonder. " Yuri, I want you. " Then, as if wanting to test the truth of her words, she cupped her breast and tweaked her nipples.

He groaned.

She gasped.

But before they could do anything else, they both heard a knock on the door.

" Ignore it, " he rasped out, unable to take his gaze off her breast.

Another knock.

Kathy's fingers let go of her nipples.

God. Damn. It! I would kill whoever it was!, Yuri thought.

The door opened, and with Kathy facing the door, she was the first one to see who it was. He watched her blinked. " It's Leon. " Her tone was surprised, but with a faint touch of affection. Yuri's face became grim. He was fated to commit murder then.

Although Leon's face remained bland, his eyes gleamed with interest as he watched the Greek biker carefully lift his fianceé off his lap. He would never have thought Kathryn Ice Rewis the type to make out in a kitchen, but then he should really have known better. Yesterday was enough to teach him that with the Greek heiress, nothing would ever be predictable.

The couple finally reached him, and he notice the way Yuri had a possessive arm around Kathy's waist.

Good, Leon thought in amusement. He like it a lot when he was able to jerk rich people's chains, and he knew 'rich' barely covered it where the biker was concerned.

" Hello, " Kathy said, still smiling. Yuri slanted a look at his fianceé. For Kathy that was the equivalent of jumping for joy, and his dislike intensified. Looking back at the Italian, he inclined his head slightly. " Arlotta. "

" Athanas, " Leon returned mockingly. But when he addressed Kathy again, his tone was charmingly light. " As promised, I've brought you the registration forms for you to fill out. "

Yuri frowned as Kathy took the folder from Leon, " Registration? "

She nodded. " During the tour, Leon kindly shared with me about a short term baking course due to start next week. I intended to take it. "

The two then glanced at him. He crossed his arms over his chest.

" No. " Yuri said.