" Giving me a bath will really make you feel less sad? "

Ignoring Kathy's doubtful voice, he took hold of her hand and, leading her to the en-suite bathroom, he said resolutely, " Yes. "

It was also his self-chosen reward for having the forbearance not to beat Leo Blaze Arlotta into a pulp for putting the stupidest ideas in his fianceé's head.

Initially, Yuri had every plan to put his foot down.

The idea of setting Kathy loose in the real world without him by her side was too worrying for his peace of mind. But then he had turned to her, saw those starry eyes of her, and he had heard himself say, " As long as you don't mind having security follow you around. "

After closing the bathroom door, he turned around and froze. Kathy was taking off her clothes.

God. Damn. It

She had her back to him, and he swallowed at the sight of her nearly nude body. She was down to only her panties now, but she was already bending, and it was all Yuri could do not to palm her wonderfully pert butt.

God. Damn. It

He was the luckiest bastard on earth. She was stunningly beautiful and incredible sexy, but more than that, she was without vanity, guile or cunning.

There was no one like Kathryn Ice Rewis in this world, and he was willing to bet on that.

He watched her hips wriggle as she pushed the scrap of silk down her long, shapely legs, and his dick didn't just twitch. Instead, it shoved against his sweatpants, demanding to be taken close to the sweet, virginal pussy it knew was nearby.

And then Kathy was turning around, facing him, gloriously naked ---

Yuri swallowed again. God help him. He said the words under his breath, but apparently Kathy still heard him, with the way she was blinking at him in confusion.

" Why do you need God's help? "

Because I might not last five seconds, he answered truthfully in his mind. But out loud, he only said, " I'm praying for his help to make sure that I don't frighten you. "

She was already shaken her head before he finished speaking. " You will never frighten me, Yuri. " Her voice was patient, almost like she was speaking to a child, and he smiled at the sound of it.

" You love me, after all. "


" Of course. " He said lightly. " I should have remembered. "

Kathy's lips slowly curved. " Silly, Yuri. " And then she looked down, and when she spoke again, her voice was filled with breathless wonder. " I want you again. "

He followed her gaze. She was staring at her breast, which had again come to life, her sweet pink nipples hardened and begging to be sucked.

" I can see that, " he said hoarsely.

When her gaze returned to meet his, it was hazy with desire, and Yuri knew then this would be no let's take it gently shower, no way Kathy would leave the bathroom without him having a taste of her pussy.

" Is it okay If I start taking off my clothes now, sweetheart? " his voice was thick with need.

She nodded.

His gaze capturing hers, he slowly pulled his shirt over his head and when his chest was bared to her sight, she whispered, " I feel so strangely hot, Yuri. "

God. Damn. It

How was he going to survive the next minute with her saying things like that?

His sweatpants went next, and her eyes widened. Again, he followed her gaze and saw it was drawn to the huge bulge his arousal made against his briefs. That was when he realized he hadn't thought to ask what she knew about sex and he asked carefully, " Did someone teach you about making love, sweetheart? "

A slowly, wary nod. " Grandmother says it should only be something done by two people in love. " A pause then Kathy spoke again, doubtfully, " Like you and me. "

" Oh, Kathy. " His voice was strained, but his broad shoulders also rocked with silent mirth. " Don't forget what you said earlier. You don't need to be frightened of me.. "

" Oh, " she grimaced. " I did forget. " She squared her shoulders. " I will not be frightened then. "

And she didn't sound like it, he acknowledged, amused. This time, she was only using her queenly before a beheading voice again.

Deciding that action spoke louder than words in addressing her fears, he stepped forward and, without a word, cupped her face and kissed her.

She was still in his arms, but he didn't let this stop him, nibbling on her lips tenderly, patiently, wooing her with nips and licks until finally he felt her lips parting under his. Yuri drove his tongue in, a slow, steady stroke that allowed her to gradually adjust to his possession.

Moments later, and he felt and heard her surrender as Kathy released the sexiest little whimper just before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back.

Yuri didn't waste time after that. Making his move without hesitation, he lifted her in his arms without breaking the kiss and carried her to the shower. Setting her down, he switched the shower on, and hot water blasted down on them.

Lifting his head, he commanded, " Turned down, Kathy. "

She did so without question and moaned softly when he started soaping her a moment later. He started with her smooth, slim back before moving his hands forward, cupping her breast from behind.

'Ah', Kathy leaned back against him, and he kneaded her breast harder.

He watched her lids close. With the water cascading down on them and the look of pleasure dawning on her face, she looked like a water goddess, and his desire for her almost knew no bounds. Gritting his teeth for control, he captured her nipples between his fingers.

Her eyes flew open.

And then he pinched.

Kathy jerked against his body, and he clenched his teeth harder as his cock slid up and down between the crack of her butt.

He turned her around and pushed her to the wall, " I'm going to eat you... "

Kathy whitened. " No! " She tried shoving him off. " Why? I'm not a food! "

He laughed even as his balls ached harder with the way Kathy's breast jiggled at her every move. " Kathy. I don't mean to eat you literally. "

Her struggles subsided. " Oh. " She glared at him. " You should make yourself clear. "

" I'll make it clear to you, " he promised solemnly, " If you trust me to make you feel good. "

A slow, measured nod.

" Lean back against the wall. " When she had to followed his order, he said huskily, " Now, just let yourself enjoy this. " He started with her breast, rinsing the soap from them before bending his head down to take one nipple inside his mouth. He heard her gasp over his head and he pulled away, his gaze wicked as he looked up at her. " That's what I mean by eating you. "

Then he went back to her nipple and started laving it with his tongue. When he felt her hands clutching his shoulders, he started sucking hard on her nipple. When he felt her hands move towards his hair, he gave her nipple a quick, hard bite and was rewarded with the reflexive tightening of her grip.

After doing the same to her other nipple, he pulled away, took the soap from the tray, and started soaping her legs. When he had rinsed them off, he looked into her eyes. " Ready? "

" Ready for what? " Her tone was bemused.

" This. " He started soaping her pussy.

" Aaaaaah! "

He soaped her quickly but thoroughly and then he rinsed her with equal care. Afterwards, he squatted down and did what he had been dying to do from the start.

He ate her pussy. Above him, he heard her start to scream.

He licked and lapped her up. He thrust his tongue in and out of her folds. And when her hips started thrusting against his mouth, he gripped her in place before sucking on her clit.

" Yuri! "

He heard the panic in her voice and rose up immediately, knowing that it was Kathy's first time to feel an orgasm building inside her. " It's okay. " he murmured soothingly, " It's okay, sweetheart. "

Her eyes remained wide with confusion and terror.

" It's going to be good. Just relax and trust me. " His body clenched at the way she gulped, visibly struggling with her fears before she slowly forced her body to relax. " It will be good, " he promise tautly just before diving his fingers back into her pussy. He found her clit without any problem, and locking his gaze with hers, he slowly pinched her clit between his fingers.

She buckled, and he pinched her again. She gasped, and he pinched her harder. She came at the fifth pinch, her eyes dilating as she moaned his name. Without taking his gaze off hers, he reached for his own dick with his other hand, and in seconds, he was gritting her name out as he, too, came.

It was another half hour before they left the shower, Yuri remembering belatedly to shampoo and condition her hair before helping her to dress. They ate a quick breakfast at the private kitchen in their floor and after, it was time for Kathy to attend her first day of college.

'It would have been a perfect day', Yuri thought grimly. If only Leo Blaze Arlotta hadn't managed to get his damn foot in first.

The two of them stared at each other at the doorway. Leo had offered to take Kathy to class, supposedly as part of his duty as her official guide. Kathy had accepted, and Yuri had to pretend he didn't mind. He hadn't been able to think of any way to let his fianceé know the Italian was a piece of shit without breaking her heart.

Helios joined him as he watched Leo and Kathy walk away. The other man had his golf cart with him again, and he heard Kathy ask if she could drive it one day. His fists clenched at the thought that it would be another man teaching his woman to drive.

" I'm surprised, you're letting her go. " Helios remarked.

Only when Leo and Kathy had driven away did Yuri answer. " I can't keep her caged forever. "

" Fair enough. " As Yuri closed the front door, Helios continued. " But you're forgetting something, I think? "

" And what is that, Ex President? ", he asked politely.

" A cage's not a cage when you have the key to it. " - Helios

Yuri's smile didn't reach his eyes. " I wonder, though. Would having the key matter when one of them is claustrophobic? He might never leave the cage, might even throw away the key so neither of them would be able to leave. "

Both of them knew that this time, Yuri wasn't just talking about Kathy.

Helios said slowly, " You could look at it differently. What happened before...maybe it only happened because you were caged with the wrong person. "

The former president's words remained with him even when lunch had come and gone and he was preparing a bento box for Kathy, thinking it would make a good surprise.

" Oh my God, what are you doing? " Hallie hurried inside the kitchen, unable to believe that Aria had indeed been telling the truth. Yuri Daniel Athanas was in the kitchen and cooking!

She reached his side, took one look at the table, and burst into laughter. It was a complete mess, with bento making tools scattered next to bowls of discarded food.

" Don't worry about that, " Yuri muttered gruffly when he saw her gaze at the mountains of bread and egg he had on plates, all of them imperfectly shaped. " I told Aria I'll be fixing tonight's meal, and no one's is going to dare not eat it when they found out I cooked it. "

'A good point', Hallie thought ruefully. Although it was also openly ruthless, which was rare for her brother. Yuri had always liked to manipulate from behind the scenes.

Taking a seat on one of the stools, she asked curiously. " What are you planning to do? "

" Onigiri at the start, " he said disgruntled. " but it proved too hard so now I think I'll stick with a sandwich. "

She peeked at his latest piéce de résistance and smiled at the design he had chosen. " How romantic, " she teased.

" Shut up. "

She pretended to be offended. " Is that how it is now? You snap everyone's head off except Kathy's? "

Yuri said with charming gentleness, " Shut up. " His sister burst into peals of laughter, and his hands temporarily stilled at the sound of it.

'That', he thought absently, was what he had promised to marry Kathy for. That was what he had pretended to love Kathy for, and knowing that she was now safe from harm made Yuri unable to regret his decision.

He looked at her then. Pretty little Hallie, whose eyes were so like his. Her dazzling feminity hid a strong mind and an even stronger will to survive. She was dressed like a doll again, and he found himself thinking, not for the first time, if there was a more serious meaning behind it.

Hallie noticed her brother staring at her, and she asked uneasily. " Is something wrong? "

Yuri shook his head, " No, I was just thinking. " He started on the bento making again.

Sensing that Yuri wasn't completely telling her the truth, she asked. " Is it because of Dr. Corba? Is he bothering you again? "

" That's one. "

She frowned. " You should just block his number. I mean, you can't really believe what he's saying about Kathy, can you? " She shook her head at the mere thought of it. " It's like what you said. She's different, Special. But she's not crazy. "

" I know. "

She bit her lip, and suddenly it was clear to her. " Oh, Yuri! "

When Hallie's voice caught, Yuri glanced sharply to his sister, and that was when he realized he hadn't fooled her at all. " Hallie.. "

She shook her head vehemently. " You must listen to me this time. " She bit her lip harder, using it to control her tears. " You were never to blame, and more than that, you managed to save me. Now, it's time to let go. "

Yuri didn't answer, but he hadn't stopped her from speaking either, and Hallie knew she should be thankful for that.

Or not.

Because behind the kitchen door was Lily, listening to every word that her vengeful, bitter heart knew could be used against Kathryn Ice Rewis in the future. She just had to find someone who could help her play her cards right.