Sofia leaned on the cell bars, trying to find a way to escape. Bile was rising from the pit of her stomach and was threatening to come out again. Her throat was already aching from vomiting.

"You can only go out once you've killed that dog." The cell guard stated which dashed every little hope she had with humanity. She was scared. The glistening fangs of the rabid dog can be seen from the little light that passes through the cell bars. The rotten smell of whatever was inside, she didn't want to think about, though she had an idea what they were, made her want to puke again.

"Grrr!" The dog took few steps towards her, inducing fear towards its prey.

"Don't come near me or I will really kill you." Sofia threatened as if it would work. She couldn't see things clearly because of the lighting inside the cell and her hands were sticky and sweaty. She didn't even want to know what was the sticky feeling she had.

The dog continued to inch its way to her and she continued to think of ways to live. There's none!

'Whoosh!' The dog jumped from where it was with its mouth wide open, ready to take a bite of the fresh food sent to him. Either it was by sheer luck or a chance given to her, when Sofia wanted to escape, she slid on the floor and the dog's head hit on the cell bars. It just so-happen that while lying on the floor, she found something sharp.

The dog was shaking its head, probably seeing little fireflies from the impact but Sofia took this chance to use that object she picked up and rammed it onto the dog's belly.

The dog howled from the pain and Sofia cried from helplessness. She once had a little poodle dog and she loved it so much. Making her kill the rabid dog made her think of the little poodle she had.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." She kept saying these words as her hands moved to stab the dog again and again.

The door to the cell bar swung open and the guard picked Sofia from the floor. "That's enough. You've done well."

Sofia raised her head to look at the guard before shifting her head to look what she was holding. It turned out, she was using a human bone to kill that dog. And because the guard opened the door widely, she was able to see what was inside the cell she came into. Aside from the dog, a pile of human bones can be seen everywhere. There were skulls and other body parts that she couldn't distinguish anymore.

Seeing the bone in her hand, Sofia pressed her hands together in prayer and bowed deeply towards the cell. That's all she can do to help the souls in that cell rest in peace.

"Wash yourself in that bathroom area." The guard stated as he pointed at the two doors at the end of the corridor. "Once you're done bathing and have changed your clothes, go to the dining hall on the third floor. Breakfast will be ready."

Sofia didn't say anything and just followed the instruction. The one thing that was very clear to her in this place was that, she needed to follow instructions and kill when she's asked to – that's her only way to live.

After taking a shower, Sofia watched the other girls get their change of clothes. It turned out that the drawers in the shower held their change of clothes. Sofia got something of her size and she followed the other girls to the dining hall on the third floor.

"Little girl!" Sofia heard a loud voice and although she wasn't sure that she was the one being called, she still turned around to find that source of that call.

The one waving at her was one of the three males who passed the fight last night. Sofia still didn't know his name but he seemed cheerful despite what happened to them.

"Come over here." The guy waved again. Looking around, she found that they didn't separate girls from boys during meal time. You can sit with whoever you want.

Sofia strode towards him and sat on the chair opposite the guy. The other two with them were also sitting around the table, still alive and kicking.

"We thought you wouldn't make it because you took so long to come out. We haven't introduced each other last night. I'm Nico, 15 years old." He's the tallest among the three males with her last night and he was the calmest of them all.

"I'm Yusef. I'm thirteen." Introduced the boy who was waving at her earlier. He's got curly black hair and his personality was amiable and was easy to get along with. Even so, you need to be careful around him specially that he was able to survive the morning exercise which means, he's strong enough to kill you in a short span of time.

"I'm Viktor. I'm also thirteen." He's the shortest among the three males but he was the cutest of them all. At first glance, you'd think he's a man with feminine charm. His curly and thick, long lashes and his slightly pouty red lips would want you to kiss him. Unfortunately, he's a strong opponent as well. Sofia had seen him wield his knife last night without a second thought.

Since they have introduced themselves, Sofia didn't want to be rude to them and introduced herself as well. "I'm Sofia and people I knew called me 'Sofi'. I'm ten years old."

She thought it was just her imagination that people were looking at her but when she looked around, all eyes were staring at her.

"You're ten years old?!"

"You're just ten years old?!"

She didn't know that in the history of all children being dragged inside the organization to fight, she was the youngest of them all. At the age of ten, she already knew how to take one's life.