Ten years later...

'Broom! Broom! Broom!'

"Attention ladies and gentlemen. The race will start in two minutes. Racers, please make all necessary preparations if you don't want to lose your life. The bet? The bet made between players are their lives." The lady who was making the announcement at the podium was smiling excitedly. "And tonight, we have a special guest! You can race with her with any bets you have but you don't have to worry because she's just here for fun."


"Is it really her coming to race with the others?"

"For real?! They must be bluffing."

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" The announcer raised her microphone and everyone yelled loudly. They were only saying one name and this name was like a powerful chant that shook everyone's heart.

"Black arrow!"

"Black arrow!"

"Black arrow!"

"Black arrow!"

"You got right! Black arrow has come to grace us with her presence!" Right after saying these words, a black Hennessey Venom F5 appeared under the stares of everyone. Its sleek body was covered with fire stickers that glows in the dark with a huge skull sticker on top of the hood.

A woman dressed in black race car outfit stepped out of the car and smiled at everyone. Her wavy curls made her face appear smaller plus, the black and silver mask added to the mystery of her identity; and her sexy red lips made boys swoon for her. She's taller than average girls and she's skillful than the other boys. In all racing competition, her name came at the top but no one knew what she really looks like.

If you try to remove her mask forcefully, she will remove your arms first before you can even touch her. So, in the illegal drag racing world, her name was Bloody Black Arrow.

'Thud! Thud! Thud!'

Everyone looked around and as expected, wherever Black Arrow appears, there will be three other cars following her. They won't hinder her from doing what she wants but they would make sure to slit your throat if you ever try to take the woman's life. Although, none of them dares to do something like that. Their life was still precious to them.

"Sigh. Following me again? I won't take too much time, alright? I'll go back as soon as I'm done here." She told the other boys who were sitting on top of her car like it was nothing.

"We're only here to see to it your safety." Nico replied.


"Racers get ready." The announcer stated and the two cars on the starting line started their engine. "At the count of three, two one." The race flag was put down and before it touches the ground, the cars sped up and left the people in the dust.

They watched the race through the big screens while making their bets to who will win. Sofia was watching the race intently when she felt someone nudging her softly. It turned out Viktor wanted to make a bet as well.

"What do you want to bet? Your life?"

"Of course not. Let's bet your car." Viktor replied with a wide grin. "Just kidding. Let's make a bet on the yellow car."

"How much?" Sofia asked.

"Let's bet one hundred thousand dollars." Viktor replied.

"If we lose this bet, I will sell you to a brothel." Sofia commented but she knew that they wouldn't lose. In all the years that they've been together, she never heard of Viktor losing a bet. She even started to think that this man was an angel sent from heaven above to become her aid in making money.

While they make bets as to who will win, police cars came, blaring their sirens which startled a lot of people. Sofia acted differently than everyone else. She calmly stepped inside her car and sped up with the three black cars following her.

The police cars didn't stop chasing them and Sofia and her men didn't stop running away as well.

"We're so dead." Yusef commented through the radio control connected to Sofia's car and the other two cars. "Should we make a kill here?"

"Don't! "Sofia's instant reply came. "Let's not make a ruckus. Just shoot my car's wheel and everything will be fine."

"And what are you planning to do?" Nico questioned. "Are you pulling that stunt again? Do you think it will work?"

"Trust me. It will work. Just shoot my wheel and speed up. I'll call you when it's time to pick me up." Sofia slowed a little bit and even made the car swagger from left to right, as if she wasn't a good driver.

"If you get arrested, I will be killed. You will lose a handsome man like me." Nico stated and without missing his aim, he shot Sofia's wheel and passed by her.

Sofia's car was turning and turning on the road until it stopped just few inches away from the cliff. Viktor who was watching what happened from the rearview mirror of his car couldn't stop himself from clicking his tongue. "She's really deserving to be the heir. Only she can pull such stunt among all of us."

"I know right." Yusef's response came through from the radio. Since the police cars arrived to Sofia's car, they stopped communicating through the radio channel, lest they'd make the police more suspicious.

Sofia's head was pressed on the steering wheel and there was a small trail of blood coming from her head down to her face. An ambulance came and they helped her out of the car while someone made a report to what happened. Instead of being involved to a drag race, the scene was changed to murderers chasing after a beautiful woman.

Sofia was brought to a hospital accompanied by an officer who was tasked to question her once she's awake and has recovered from her injury.

Officer Hughes was looking at the beautiful sleeping face of the woman on a hospital bed. Earlier she was covered with blood and her hair was a mess. Now, that she's all cleaned up, she looked really pretty. 'No wonder someone's chasing after her. It could be someone paid for her life out of jealousy or she escaped from the clasped of unscrupulous men which was why she was being shot? But why was she in that place? This isn't adding up to my conclusion.' Officer Hughes kept thinking of the possibilities but when Sofia woke up, the things he imagined were thrown away.