At first, she was dumbstruck to see him, then she was finally relieved to see him once again. Sofia smiled at him and for the first time in all her life, she finally relaxed after a long fight. With her weak knees, she wobbled and was about to collapse on the floor but William was faster he caught her before she hit the ground.

"Miss, are you alright? Miss?" She heard his voice clearly but he was calling her miss.

'Did he forget me after weeks of not seeing me?' She thought to herself but she felt so tired she didn't want to say anything. "Sleepy." She mumbled and just give in to the drowsy feeling which was pulling her.

William looked at the woman lying in his arms before looking at the men in front of him. The other police officers also came inside and handcuffed them. But since they were all wounded and bruised, they decided to bring them to the hospital first before getting their statement.

William carried the woman in his arms and allowed her to sleep inside his car. He wanted to bring her to the hospital but he was afraid that the men at the bar will do something against her given that they're beaten up by her. 'But can they really do something against her?' He thought to himself.

After thinking for few minutes, he decided to bring her to the hospital himself. Thankfully, she wasn't wounded but was greatly exhausted. The doctor gave her an IV drip and told William to look after her until she wakes up. She can be discharged once she finished taking the drip.

"Not long ago, I sat like this in front of a woman in the hospital, too." William muttered to himself with faint chuckle. He called his colleagues and asked what was the situation with the other side and according them, all of the men were battered and bruised. William looked to the sleeping woman in front of him.

He remembered Sofia. She once told him that she's a black belter and knows martial arts but, in the end, she still ended up getting kidnapped and almost killed. The one in front of him was also a fighter but she couldn't say anything before she collapsed.

'Women these days have learned to become strong on their own instead of depending to us men.' He thought again while looking at her. The drip will take 45 minutes to an hour so, William went out for a bit to take a call.

He kept in touch with his colleagues and found out that one of the severely injured men was an heir to ILY corporation. They have malls in the country and they're one of the biggest competitors to AZ mall. He thought that they would seek the girl for compensation and sue her but to his surprise and to the shock of the other officers, the other party took responsibility and said that they will compensate for everything. They will pay the bar for the damages incurred and they will also pay for the woman's hospital bill. They confessed everything and thwarted their words a little to make it like the woman was a victim. After all, no one wanted to mess with the mafia that she belonged to.

Albert also knew about this after one of his men told him what was in that ring. Scared silly that he might implicate his family, he claimed everything to be his fault as long as no words will be spread out about it and his family won't be implicated. He promised to pay everything.

However, it was just their own party making talks. They still needed to wait for the woman to wake up and ask her questions. After an hour, Sofia woke up. She found that the drip was already empty so, she removed the needle from her hand. She wanted to use the bathroom and when she got inside, she was stunned.

"No wonder he didn't recognize me!" She muttered to herself angrily while looking at her own reflection in the mirror. She was using a fake face today. Every time she leaves the house for business matter, she would use a fake face skin to hide her own identity. The skin looked so real and it's really difficult to notice anything amiss.

Sofia wanted to cry for her own stupidity. She was expecting to see him and spend time with him but she forgot to take off her skin. "Damn it!" She knocked her own head before doing whatever she wanted to do and got out of the bathroom.

When she came out William was standing at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." She mumbled softly, making sure he won't notice her voice.

"We brought the men to the hospital and they said that they will compensate you and pay for all the damages inside the bar. They didn't blame you and they wouldn't seek compensation as well."


"Aren't you filing a case against them. You were almost killed."

"They didn't and they couldn't."

William looked at her. No matter how he thinks about it, the girl couldn't compare to Sofia. The one in front of him was very timid and soft-spoken while Sofia was very cheerful despite of the ordeal she went through.

"I don't need them to pay for my bills. I'm paying it." She whispered while picking up her things. William was following behind her, observing her every action. She walked elegantly and with confidence but when she speaks, she's very shy and meek. You couldn't find the trace of the fighter she once was few hours ago.

She used her card to pay for the bill and signed the form. When they got out of the hospital, she called someone to come over and take her.

"Thank you for the help, Officer." She bowed her head politely at him.

"No worries." William replied coolly. "Is someone picking you up?" He still asked even though he knew the answer.

Sofia nodded.

When she paid for her bill earlier, William saw her name – Rebecca. Funny it maybe, he was hoping that she was Sofia in disguise. After all, it's not really new to find heir and heiress disguising themselves to protect their identity. But his hope was put out when he saw her name.

After almost fifteen minutes, a luxurious car arrived and Sofia stepped inside. She waved her hands toward the officer before closing the door. As soon as the door closed, she punched the soft couch she was sitting on.

"I was so stupid!"

"I know." Viktor replied with a series of faint chuckle. "You even collapsed in his arms but he didn't recognize you."

"Why didn't you tell me?! Why?"

"I thought you knew. You've always been aware of everything. Tsk! This is what I'm telling you. Love can make someone stupid. And the best proof? Look into the mirror to see the proof."

Sofia stretched her hand and pinched Viktor's face. "I hate you."