The moment the man touches her back, Sofia held his wrist tightly and twisted it.

"AHHHH! Help!" The man yelped in pain while Sofia looked coldly at him. When he wanted to throw a punch at her, she twisted his arm even more until she felt some bones were breaking. "Help me! This girl is a criminal!"

"So, defending myself is a crime but you touching me, sexually harassing me is not?" Sofia asked with no emotions in her face. "I was drinking here, minding my own business and here you are, disturbing my peace."

"Aren't you here to find someone that you can get laid?" The man retaliated but he was really not smart. He had forgotten that Sofia was still holding his arms.

With another twist, 'CRACK', everyone heard the sound of bones breaking together with the loud scream of the man who was now kneeling on the ground. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Well, I don't accept apologies." Sofia retorted and went back to drinking. She can hear whispers around her but she didn't care. She thought the man has left but to her surprise, he was actually calling for backups.

"Pretty girl, how about you leave through the back door? It would be troublesome if he's men comes here." The bartender told Sofia while signaling her with his eyes to leave through the staff's door.

"Is he from a powerful family?" Sofia asked without looking at the man whose arm was now dangling limply on his side. He was looking pale already but he refused to leave without retaliating.

The bartender leaned closer and slipped a small paper towards Sofia with a name written on it. Albert Canon, the youngest of the Canon family who owns ILY company. Reading the name, Sofia raised her eyebrow and smiled. "He's just a small fry."

The bartender was stunned with her response but since he couldn't persuade her to leave, he could only pray that she's got a good backer to help her clean up this mess.

Soon, a commotion occurred and many guests stayed farther from Sofia and the man named Albert. They knew that he's a playboy and likes to harass women. Seeing that he's suffering now, many women were delighted but they felt sorry for Sofia who will be beaten to pulp or probably killed.

"Who broke your arm young master?" one of the men who came, went to Albert and check his arm. His face darkened and turned cold when he felt that the arm wasn't just dislocated but was snapped in two.

Albert collapsed on his chair as he pointed towards Sofia. "It's her. She twisted my arm."

"Tsk!" Sofia clicked her tongue when she heard his words. He didn't even tell that he was harassing her. But that didn't matter to her.

Another man approached Sofia and placed his hand on her shoulder but Sofia evaded and held that arm and twisted it as well before pushing the man away from her. "Don't touch me with your filthy hands." She uttered which was very ironic since her hands had been stained with blood when she was ten years old.

The man held his hand and felt his nerves had gone numb. It was so painful when he moved his wrist and even when he clenched his hands. "Sh*t! You really want to lose your life? I just wanted to talk to you."

"You can talk, sure. But don't touch me. I don't like dirty people touching me." Sofia's words provoked them so much that their faces turned red from anger.

"I'll make sure you lose your hands, too. Grab her!"

The other men moved fast and tried to grab Sofia. Just like how she was trained in the past, using everything available around her, Sofia took few steps back and took the stainless straw she's using to drink her juice earlier. With one single move, she lounged the straw at the man on her right, poking his chest with a hole.

The man staggered back and everyone was in horror to see the straw stuck in his chest.

Sofia ducked low to avoid the oncoming punch from the other man and she moved forward to escape from their entrapment. She kicked one of the men on his stomach, making him stagger several meters back and fell on the flower. The fight wasn't over yet. Three men were left standing and now, they were holding daggers in their hands.

"They're bullying her!" one of the customers exclaimed while dialing the police hotline. "This needed to stop or she will die."

"She won't." a man on the crowd stated upon hearing the worry from one of the customers. It was none other than Viktor. He had been following Sofia since morning and she knew that he was in the crowd, which was why she wasn't afraid at all. If needed, she can ask Viktor for help.

"How can she not die when that's three against one and the men are holding knives."

"You may not understand or notice it but that woman is a fighter. Base on her stance, she must be a judo artist or someone who trains in martial arts." It was the only explanation that Viktor can think of for the woman to keep quiet.

The three men started attacking Sofia with their knives but she was faster than them. After all, she was trained with real knives ever since she was small. The fact that she was able to survive until this point means that she's able to evade all the attack thrown at her which was going to cost her life.

She took the bottle from the table and swung it on the head of the man who was coming after her. As soon as the bottle was broken, she swung it like her weapon which made the other men take several steps back to avoid it. Taking this chance, Sofia raised her long legs and made a 360 degrees turn, giving one of the men a roundhouse kick on his temple. Instead of going back to a standing position, Sofia bent her body backward and used her hands to stand before twisting her legs in the air to kick the other man with the knife.

When all the men fell, she walked to each of them and stomped her foot as hard as she could on their stomachs. "You wanted to kill me, right? Should I kill you, too?" Sofia questioned the man who commanded everyone to grab her. She picked one of the knives on the floor and looked at it – her own cold face was reflected on it.

After looking at her own face, she threw the knife back on the floor and took off her ring. "I'll let you see something." Sofia showed him what's carved on the inner side of her ring which shocked the man silly.

He immediately bowed his head and get down on his knees. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know at all. I apologize on behalf of my young master as well. I'm really sorry."

"I'll only accept your apology if you pay for all the damage here. After all, I didn't start this fight but your young master did."

"Yes. Yes. We will pay for it."

Sofia stood up and dusted her dress as if nothing happened. When she turned around to look at the crowd to find Viktor, she was stunned. Viktor wasn't there anymore but William was.