William Ivan successfully gained his favor from Sofia and he knew that her words can be trusted. Why else would she be chosen as the heiress? He walked back to his room while clutching the necklace in his hand. When he looked at it, he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Two weeks later, school starts and she woke up really early to start her day. She put on her red-checkered uniform and white long sleeves before putting on the necktie. She was just about to open her drawer and get that butterfly necklace when she remembered giving it back to Ivan.

"I'm still not used to not having it around me." She muttered to herself before looking for a bracelet that she can wear instead. Ever since she had that necklace, she didn't buy another one to wear. It was the only necklace she owned in the last ten years.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Come in." Sofia answered the knocking on the door without opening it. When the door swung open, it was Nico standing there with a faint smile on his face. "What are you smiling about?"

"I'm smiling at how foolish you can be. Going to a university that your crush frequently went to; do you even have any idea why he goes to that place?"

Sofia clicker her tongue and stuck it out in front of him. "Of course, I know. And just like I said, I like him. And I am not obliging him to like me back."

"And how about Ivan? What feelings do you have for him?"

"Ahhh! Why are you asking me these questions? It's making me crazy!" She stomped on her feet and throw her lipstick at him. "Stop lecturing me."

"I'm not. I'm just reminding you not to play with fire, least you'd burn yourself. Anyway, you're old enough to do what you want. I will be taking care of our businesses while you're playing around."

"Don't make me feel guilty?"

"Oh? You still have that? I already ran out of guilt the moment I first killed someone."

"I'm not like you. I'm a woman."

"What makes it different? Didn't you kill, too? And when you think about it, you've killed more people than me."

Sofia looked towards Nico without saying anything. After a minute, she slumped on her chair and looked at her hands. "Do you have to discourage me this much?"

"I'm just worried for you. You never show your real face to the crowd but because of him, you're willing to go there, letting the whole world know of your identity."

Sofia kept quiet. Nico didn't say anything anymore and just turned around to leave the place. "Breakfast is ready. Get down there in thirty minutes or you will be late."

"Okay." She whispered her answer without looking back at him. When she heard the dull sound of the door closing, she rolled her eyes and punched the throw pillow beside her. "Stupid Nico."

CN University was one of the largest schools in City C. It's just two hours drive from the mansion but since she left early, she wasn't stuck in a traffic. Ivan was the one driving the car while she sat at the back with Yusef playing on his computer. One car was driving two meters ahead of them, two other cars were on each side of her vehicle and another car was driving two meters behind them, ensuring her safety at all times. She was surrounded by guards.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the school, students of various departments and years looked at the cars. Some of them stopped walking to look who's the bigshot coming out of it. What they didn't expect was a beautiful young girl would step out of the vehicle.

Sofia fixed her uniform and asked Yusef whether she looked good or not. After making sure that she's doing alright, took her bad and walked towards the school gate with Yusef following behind her.

Yusef wasn't a student of the school like Sofia but he only needed to show a small card and the guards allowed him to get inside with the young lady beside her. He needed to see the school and the classrooms that she will be in or Nico will get mad at him for neglecting her safety. Every small detail is crucial to her safety which was why he needed to go personally.

Students looked at them, not because someone was following her but because she was really pretty. She's than most of the girls and her small little face was accentuated with her wavy hair. She walked elegantly like a queen and her sweet smiles can hook everyone; be it a man or a woman.

"Do you really have to do this?" Sofia asked Yusef while looking around the place. The campus was really large and it was a little kind of thrilling for her. She's never been to school in the last ten years because everything was taught by the organization and she had Lucas who taught her many things personally.

In fact, she didn't really need to go to school but her foolish heart was overriding her rational mind.

"She's really pretty. Which department do you think she belongs to?"

"Is she a freshman? She's very tall. She's like a model."

"The last time I had my clearance signed, I heard from the faculty that someone from a well-known family will join the university. They even tightened the security for her."

"Oh, so that's the reason why we're being checked thoroughly when we passed the gate."

Whispers from various directions were all about Sofia but she didn't care. They can whisper all they want and, in that way, the news of her coming to this school will reach Liam soon. She already decided on her own, since they both have William on their names, she will call Officer Hughes as Liam and she will call her savior as Ivan. In that way, she wouldn't be confused.

"I wonder how he will react when he sees me here." Sofia mumbled which earned her a raised brow from Yusef.

"Little girl, the university is big and there were so many gates. You wouldn't know which gate he will appear and you don't know when he will appear. Stop daydreaming. If you really want to study here then, do your best. Achieve something else if you cannot achieve him."

"Why are you being pessimist?" Sofia elbowed him but Yusef was quick to evade her blow. "And you dare evade my attack?"

"Do you think I'd wait for you to hit? I'm not stupid." Yusef retorted and when they reached the classroom that she was suppose to come in for the first period, he stopped by the door. He looked around the place, went inside the room and observed its surroundings. "This place is good."

"I will be fine. You don't have to worry this much."

"Alright. I'll go talk to the headmaster about the security here. Enjoy your class."

"Hn. See you later. Call me if there's anything that needs my urgent response."

Yusef nodded his head while waving his hand at her. As soon as he left, Sofia was approached by many students on her seat. They were all curious about her but the also made sure to give her space just in case she didn't like them crowding over her. In actual fact, it was the opposite, she likes to be in the limelight. Why else would she join the race? She's trained to be the number one and it was already engraved in her bones. She has to be the number one.

'Liam, come and find me soon.'