First day of school, there's nothing much that they do. They were just getting to know each other, introducing themselves to the whole class but when it comes to Sofia, she only says her name and nothing else.

The teachers' records also didn't include her last name. There was only a words Sofia B. on their records but they knew who's this Sofia in their class. They just couldn't let anyone knew of her identity unless she wishes to. This was what the whole faculty talked about three weeks before school starts.

They were briefed about the special identity of their new student and because the school didn't want any commotion to happen, they could only keep this a secret. And it was very advantageous for Sofia which she liked very much.

"Sofia, where do you want to eat during lunch?" one of her classmates asked her.

"I'll be eating at the cafeteria. Want to have lunch together?" she was friendly with her classmates which they like so much about her.

They all went to the cafeteria and many of the boys couldn't stop looking their way because of her. Many of the girls were envious, too. But Sofia? She didn't care about it. In her mind, she only wanted to see Liam and no one else. "Eh?"

The girls looked at her when Sofia exclaimed and was showing a stunned expression in front of everyone. "Sofi, is there anything wrong?"

"Huh? Ah? No, nothing." She waved her hands in front of her to deny everything. "I just remembered something. Sorry."

"It's alright. Let's go over there to queue up."

Her classmates led her to the stand in line but her mind was still wandering to other things. When she thought about Liam, what crosses her mind was Ivan's face. She was so shocked that such thing has happened which made her exclaim in front of everyone. She can't believe that Ivan would suddenly cross her mind. 'I think it's because we spent so much time together compare to Liam. Right? Yeah, right. That must be it.' She asked herself and answered her own question. While on the outside, she was expressionless.

Lucas always tells her that emotions were her biggest hurdle and that she should conquer it but in truth, it was her biggest weapon. She can use her emotions to people and make them bend to her will. A strength that Lucas never thought she'd have.

"That girl is really pretty. I think this year's crown will go to her." one of the boys who was eating his lunch looked towards Sofia and made a comment.

"I don't need to make a bet. I'll vote for her, too." Another man commented. "Come to think of it, Shirley, you are classmates with her, right?"

"Hn. She seems kind and outgoing to me. Everyone likes her but she seemed distant all at once."

"Why is that so?"

"Well, she never mentioned her last name and her things only has Sofia written on them and nothing else. The records of her only showed Sofia B so, no one really knows of her identity and no one dared to ask."

"Really? She's that mysterious?"

The topic of the students who were eating their lunch was all about Sofia, except for those couples around, everyone else talked about her mysterious identity.

When they got their food, Sofia and her classmates looked around to find a place to eat.

"Sofi, want to sit over there?" her classmate pointed to a table which was occupied with one girl. She was eating slowly and chewed her food slowly. She looked so gloomy.

"Sure." Sofia followed their lead and went over to talk to the girl. "Excuse me, can we sit with you here?"

"Okay." The girl replied softly without lifting her head. She just continued to eat with her lunch.

"Because you allowed us to sit here, I'll give you some of these." Sofia gave the girl three pork cutlets and smiled at her. "Thank you for letting us sit here."

The girl looked at her in shock, not knowing what to do. She wanted to return the food to Sofia but it looked rude to do so. "Thank you." She whispered and looked down on her food once again.

And for some strange reason, Sofia could feel that everyone's eyes were no longer on her but to the girl in front of her. They were looking at her in a strange way and some were whispering to their colleagues before laughing and it was so obvious who they were making fun of.

"Did you guys sit here on purpose because of her?" Sofia asked her classmates in a cold manner. It was so cold that they suddenly shiver and felt scared. She didn't even lower her voice which allowed other students to hear her question. They were stunned to see her cold countenance.

"We don't know her." one of her classmates answered. "We just thought of sitting here because the space was available. Aren't we supposed to eat here?"

"That's not the issue. Just eat your food." Sofia started eating her food while stealing glances at the girl. She was secretly observing her. 'Here I thought, college has no space for bullies but looking at her, I seemed to be wrong.' Sofia thought to herself. She continued to eat as if she didn't know anything but plans have already formed in her mind.

Suddenly, her phone rang and Yusef's call came in. "I'm having lunch now so, what's is so important that you'd have to disturb my meal."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't say this then."

"Just say what it is."

"Your crush is currently at the gate 5. He seemed to be waiting for someone and –"

"Thanks." Sofia didn't listen to the rest of his words and immediately picked her bag, dashed out of the cafeteria and in the blink of an eye, she was gone. She barely even touches her food.