Sofia ran as fast as she can to the gate five, ignoring the surprise look on the students that she passed by. She still looked composed as she ran but when she was near the gate, she stopped running and fixed her uniform and her hair. She walked calmly and elegant as ever.

Liam was currently waiting for Janella to come out but when he raised his head again from checking the time on his wrist watch, what he saw wasn't the girl he was expecting for. It was Sofia Basilischikov, the woman who had been invading his mind several times in a day.

"Officer Liam?" Sofia acted like she just saw him even though she was running at full speed because of him earlier. Yusef was listening to their conversation through the recording button that Sofia placed on the strap of her bag and couldn't stop himself from shivering from the cringy sound of her voice. She was flirting with him. "It's really you. Are you here to visit me?" she shamelessly asked which made Liam chuckled.

"I didn't know you'd be studying here." He responded with a smile that could melt a woman's heart. "Your father expelled you from your old school after what happened?"

"You bet." Sofia answered while shrugging her shoulders. "He transferred me here after that, hoping for me to have a fresh start."

"Your father was right. You should focus on your study and not that dangerous car racing and you should always bring body guards with you. However, I take it that you didn't take my words to heart? I didn't see anyone with you today."

"You don't see them but they're actually everywhere." Sofia mentioned. "Just don't worry, they won't attack you. I told them that you saved me before."

"Really? I'm glad for having that privilege." Liam was having fun talking to her and he quickly forgot about the time. "What course are you taking?"

"Fashion design."

"Oh! That suits you. You look stylish so, you must have a good fashion sense."

"Thank you." Sofia played the demure card on her sleeves and acted all shy and coy in front of him. "By the way, are you waiting for someone?"

"Hn. I'm waiting for…for a friend." Liam replied.

"Not a girlfriend?"

"Why would you think that?" Liam replied with a sheepish and faint smile. He didn't want her to know that she's pursuing someone but as expected from an heiress, she can read things differently.

Sofia smiled and pouted her lips. "I just thought because you waited for her patiently and even conversed with me while killing time."

"Stop thinking about nonsense things." Liam reached out his hand and rubbed her head. A tender smile was on his lips before he even realized what he did.

Both of them were stunned but Sofia was quick to recover and dispelled the awkwardness between them. She smiled happily that her eyes turned into a lovely crescent moon. "Hn. I'll study hard this time but I can't really promise not to join the car racing. It's my passion."

"You're hopeless." Liam replied while taking his hand back but it was already too late. The woman he was pursuing had seen them.

"Will!" a sweet-sounding voice called to him and Liam immediately turned his head to see who it was. And for the very first time, he wanted to look away from her and look at Sofia's face once again.

There was a huge contrast between the two females. One was covered with eye shadow, blush on and whatnot that girls use on their faces. The other was simply standing in front of him with almost nothing but that luscious and pink kissable lips of hers. Thinking at this point, Liam shook his head. 'How absurd! How could I think like that towards her?' He scolded himself and looked towards Sofia's lips again. He felt his neck was getting warmer and the tips of her earlobe was starting to turn red.

"Your girlfriend is here now." Sofia mumbled while looking at the woman who was walking towards them. "Thanks for you time, Liam. Gotta go now." She waved her hand at him while bidding her farewell. She ran out of the gate and went to the nearest convenience store in front of the school campus.

"Janella, what's taking you so long. I only have half an hour left for lunch." Liam stated with a trace of annoyance when the girl finally arrived to his side.

"That's not the most important thing. What's important is your relationship with that girl. Do you know her? Everyone's curious about her because no one knows of her last name and for the first time, the school administration was keeping someone's record hidden." Janella pointed while pointing her index finger towards the running figure of Sofia.

Liam looked at where she was pointing and the annoyance on his face instantly disappeared. "I met her several weeks ago. I don't know much about her either." Liam lied about Sofia upon knowing that she's keeping her identity a secret. And he felt so happy deep inside that he was able to know her real identity which everyone didn't know about. "Shall we go out and have lunch?"

"Oh! About that, I came here to tell you that I have some matters to deal with. I can't have lunch with you." She looked worried and guilty in front of him which irked Liam a little. It's always been like this. She could have told him on the phone but she wanted him to wait for her so that she can tell him the news in person.

She likes it when someone waits for her as if she's the most important person to them. She knew that Liam likes her so much which was why she kept hanging him even though she didn't really like him.

Liam wanted to say something to her but realizing that it was because of this that he was able to see Sofia, he kept his words to himself and just smiled. "It's fine. Do your best in school."

Janella nodded her head and turned around, walking back to the school campus where her friends waited for her. At the convenience store, Sofia saw that the girl named Janella left Liam. And base on what she read from her lips, she didn't even ask if Liam has eaten.

Seeing this opportunity, Sofia went out of the convenience store with three chocolate bars in her hand. "Liam!" She called out to him from a distance and when she was just about to cross the road, a car passed by and almost hit her.

Liam's face paled when he saw what happened and he felt like his heart was about to pop out of his chest. He saw Sofia apologizing to the car owned but there was a hidden smile on her lips. In a very short period of time, he was able to formulate a plan and told Yusef about it.

Only a deep trust can make them do such dangerous stunt. Inside the car, Yusef was laughing while watching Sofia's acting. She's really smart and they didn't know she'd use this intelligence to pursue someone.

After crossing the road, Sofia went to Liam and handed him the chocolates but she got scolded instead. "Seriously? Are you that strong to welcome that car with your body? What if you got hit? What if you're killed? Haven't you realized of the consequences? Even a primary student knows how dangerous it is to cross the road but you weren't careful at all!" Liam scolded her in one breath, not caring about the people looking at them.

Yusef was already far away from them but he can hear the angry words coming from Liam, making him laugh so hard. "Good for you little girl." He told himself knowing that Sofia achieved her goal.

Sofia dropped her head, doing her best to get her tears out of her eyes. "I just wanted to give you these because you haven't eaten and few more minutes, the noon break will be over. You will become busy once again and you will, for sure, forget your meal."

Liam looked at the chocolates in her hands and sighed. "Your life is more important than these chocolates."

"But your meal is important, too." Sofia argued back and raised her head to look at him. This time, there were tears hanging on her chin. She looked really pitiful.

Liam pulled her close, stopping other people to see his vulnerable expression. "Alright. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scold you. I'm was really just worried with happen. Sorry. Stop crying now, okay?"

Sofia wiped her tears away and stuffed the chocolates in his large palm. "Have a good day at work. I'm going back to class now." She ran away from him while wiping her tears off from her face.

"Do well in school." Liam cheered her back which stopped Sofia on her track. When she looked back at him, there was already a sweet smile on her face. "I will."

Liam felt that there were angry stares directed at him and when he looked around, many male students were looking at him with searing hate. He blinked his eyes and got inside his car to avoid them. "She's liked by many guys in school. Will she be fine?"