After eating her food, Kisses stood up from her seat with the tray and placed it on the counter for the staff to take back. She left the cafeteria in a hurry and attended her next class. She's already in second year of her college life and it's been a year since she became the target of bullying. She wanted to leave the school but she didn't want to waste the scholarship she got. Therefore, she chose to endure the pain and the wounds inflicted on her.

Before, she would always flaunt her flawless body but now, she would always wear jeans and long sleeves. She didn't dare let her parents know of what she has been going through. She didn't want to add to their burden.

Because of what happened the previous year, she found a nice trick. She changed her class schedule even if that means she wouldn't be a regular student anymore. Who cares? As long as she can avoid the female group, it didn't matter how much hassle it is for her.

As soon as she sat down on her chair, a faint sound of solid objects colliding could be heard. She frowned and checked the pocket of her jacket only to see a small bottle of something she had no idea of. There was also a letter on her pocket.

She opened the small paper and what she found brought tears to her eyes. A year, she endured for a year and even though the students noticed her pain, the wound and the bruises, no one lent her a helping hand. No one approached her or bothered to help her. They didn't want to associate with her because they didn't want to become a victim along with her.

And here she was, getting a letter from a new student that everyone talked about. It's not that she didn't know the mystery Sofia B. but, she just didn't pay much attention because she thought this woman was like everyone else. Who would have thought that she'd secretly write a letter to her and give her an ointment?

Her tears fell on the small piece of paper that she receives and her classmates saw her crying but they pretended that they didn't see anything. Kisses folded the paper once again and placed it between the pages of her stationary notebook. The first person to help her ever since she was bullied was none other than Sofia, the mysterious girl who came to their school.

Kissed had no idea why that woman helped her or was trying to be friendly with her but she will never forget her kindness.

Seeing the bottle in her hand, she applied it on the bruises on her arms. It was cool and soothing. It smells like flower and it wasn't sticky to the skin.

"Hmm. I'll use this at home." Kisses kept the ointment inside her bag and waited for the teacher to get inside and conduct his class.

When Sofia finally got her lunch break, she didn't go to the cafeteria or spent time with her friends. Instead, she went to the library and took out her notebook. She tapped on the small button of her blouse and Viktor's came through her earpiece.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Sofia didn't say anything and instead wrote some numbers and symbols on her notebook. It was a kind of code that only their organization knew about. Sofia was told to memorize everything when she was fifteen and now, she remembers everything without even stopping to think for it. She mixed the numbers letters and symbols for Viktor to read through the pinhole camera on her button.

When the students passed by her, they could only see her writing some stuff on her notebook, not really knowing that it was an encrypted message to someone else.

"I got it. I will have Yusef deal with this right now. Report will be sent to you tonight."

Sofia wrote something again and after getting confirmation from Viktor, she put away her things. She looked up at the chandelier over her head and sighed. 'Liam didn't come today.'

Obviously, he couldn't come because of her. The two recent incidents involving a kidnapping and hit-and-run cases were still unsolved and they criminal were still on the run. Originally, this was a case that William handled but they couldn't get anything so, they decided to give the case to the higher department. Liam thought that he wouldn't be involved in it anymore but his chief supervisor recommended him to the leading officer who was handling the case. Therefore, he will be busy once again.

"Officer Hughes, have you talked to the family of the victim?" the leading officer asked Liam while reading the documents in hand. They were containing the preliminary investigation results that Liam conducted.

"Yes, sir. I inquire them of the kind of person our victim was and his wife said, he's been very good and she didn't remember him having enemies. However, she also said that the victim recently resigned from his job for some unknown reason. Her husband didn't say anything why he resigned but she believed that the death of her husband has something to do with the sudden resignation from his job."

"Have you investigated the company where he worked before?"

"Yes, sir." Liam explained the things he found as detailed as he could to the leading officer. "Basically, the victim resigned on the spot when he got demoted from work due to some error. After that, he met with someone from ILY which was a rival company of where he worked before."

"I see. We need to investigate on these two companies once again. There's a possibility that our victim knew something and ILY used that to their advantage. One of these companies wanted to silence this man."

"And what about the man who was kidnapped? He's an employee from ILY."

"That is why we need to investigate these companies."

Liam nodded his head and made a salute before leaving to continue his work but he suddenly stopped on his track when he remembered something. AZ Mall, it's a subsidiary company that the Basilischikov owned.