Cynthia saw her lovely smile and noticed that she was grasping on her phone tightly which obviously showed she received a special message and probably from a special someone. Her guess was really on point.

Sofia typed in quickly before the professor notices her. "Good morning, Liam. Thanks for cheering me up today. I wish you'll have a great day, too." She sent her reply as soon as possible and put her phone back inside her bag.

She paid attention to the professor once again as if nothing happened but there were few students who noticed her sneaky actions but didn't tell the professor about it.

They all thought that she'd be the bitchy-type, elegant and aristocratic person with just her beauty plus the mystery of her name. Even if they didn't know her last name, given the number of bodyguards loitering when she's around, they could already tell that she's a daughter of some big-time millionaire. However, they didn't think her to be so goofy, silly, easy to talk to, approachable and cools. She's really not what they imagined her to be.

Sofia was humming softly while listening to the teacher, just couldn't contain her happiness at all. After the second subject, she has forty-five minutes for break. Sofia used this chance to roam around the campus, not to really look around the area but to listen to the chattering of students and their gossips. She wanted to know more of the situation in this campus before she becomes a victim of it. Although, it's impossible to happen, she'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Guys, do you want to grab some sandwiches with me?" Sofia asked her new-found friends as they walked down the corridor to the next building.

"This early?" Cynthia responded in question.

"It's not early anymore." Sofia muttered under her breath. "I am really hungry and I want to eat."

"Fine. Fine. Let's go there." The three of them changed direction and went to the canteen. As expected, the canteen was a better choice to listen for gossip but Sofia didn't get any helpful information at all. No one was talking about the bullying or the sorority within the campus.

'I might as well ask Yusef about this later on.' Sofia thought to herself while lining up along with the other students.

"Hi." A male student in front of her turned to face Sofia and greeted her out of the blue.

Trying to be polite, she greeted him back. "Hello."

"Do you want to go first? I'm not really hungry." The student offered but Sofia waved her hand at him in refusal.

"There's no need to. I'm fine waiting a little longer. Just go on and stay in queue."


Sofia thought that the student was trying to flirt with her or hit on her but he really turned around and just queue up. Surprising it may be to her, she was still happy that he was just being nice and nothing more. She didn't want anyone to pursue her because she already got Liam in her heart. There's no other space for anyone else.

Sofia continued to line up with her friends when her eyes caught sight of the student that she they sat with during lunch yesterday. She followed her with her eyes, checking which seat she wanted to stay this time.

After almost ten minutes of waiting, it was finally their turn. She bought three sandwiches for herself and bought another two sandwiches for her friends. She also bought three milk drinks for the three of them.

"You're treating us today with these snacks?"

"Yeah. Just this. So, if you're not satisfied, you'd have to buy another one yourself."

Cynthia and Britney laughed at her and just helped her get the items that she bought. "It's your treat. How shameless can we be to say that we're dissatisfied? It's more than enough that you help us save some money for snacks." Cynthia commented as they walked to a vacant seat.

Unexpectedly, Sofia made a detour and walked to another table. It was the table where the bullied female student sat. Many students looked at them and whispered to each other but Sofia didn't care about it at all.

"Hi. Can we sit here?" she asked the student with a bright smile. Seeing her pretty face with a lovely smile on her lips dazed most of the students for a bit. If she wanted to, she can certainly use her charm to make the world go turn around her. She's a seductress but she's also a demon in an angel's disguise.

The student looked left and right, seeing many vacant spaces, she frowned at Sofia. "There are many tables and chairs over around us. Why sit here?"

"Because I like to sit with you."

The students gasped and their eyes were wide open in horror.

'Another bully occupies the school.'

'Oh god! Is she going to toy her as well?'

'A mountain can only be occupied with one tiger. She will have to class with the sorority of this school if this information breaks out.'

Seeing their expression, Sofia got annoyed and shot them a look. She looked around everyone and sigh. "Why are you looking at me as if I am a man-eater? I'm not going to hurt her, okay? Don't think too highly of me." She said and sat on the chair to start eating.

Just like what she said, she didn't do anything but eat. She ate one sandwich, took a sip of her drink. She ate the second sandwich and took a sip of her drinks. She ate the third sandwich and drank the remaining drink. After eating her fill, she stood up and passed across the bullied student. Without anyone noticing, not even the bullied student herself, Sofia slipped a small bottle of ointment that she usually used. It was the least she could do before she can find out anything of this sorority business matter.