Sofia went to school in a cloud nine. She was very happy with the things going her way and without anyone who can stop her. Unless the law enforcement would know or her real identity.

"Goodbye, Viktor. I'll see you later after class." She waved her hand happily at him before turning around to walk with unreserved elegance.

"This woman really knows when to use her charm." Viktor commented while watching the students gawk towards Sofia's direction. As for her, she kept her smile on her lips but only she knows what exactly has been running down in her mind.

This time, the class started normally with no time wasted. She was listening attentively to the teacher, jotting down notes from time to time while sketching Liam's face on her notebook as well but she only sketch half of his handsome face because Ivan's grim expression would always pop up in her mind.

"Ah! So annoying!" Sofia exclaimed and even slammed her hand on the desk.

"Miss Sofia?" The professor looked at her with questioning gaze along with her classmates who were stifling their laughter.

Sofia fixed her skirt and her clothes as she waved her hand in the air. "Prof, you should tell the cleaning staff to disinfect the room properly. I can see flies. There are flies flying around us. It's not a good thing."

"Oh. Okay. I'll do that later. Can I continue with my class now?"

"Sure. Sure, go ahead." Sofia smiled while taking her alcohol spray and sprayed it in the other. It has a mild scent which doesn't bother the other students at all. If she has to act, she will really do her best and put her all into acting. She can't make any slips.

The class resumed and Sofia flipped to another page to continue writing. She stopped sketching already or the students will know what she's been up to.

After her first subject, they were able to get a short break while walking to their next room for their next class. Sofia went to approach Cynthia and looked at her wrist. "Is it okay now?" she asked with worry clouding over her face. "I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday."

"It's alright. The ointment you applied was very effective. When I got home, it was no longer painful and it wasn't swelling anymore. Now, it's completely fine." Cynthia answered. Her charming smile made Sofia breathe a sigh of relief. "Do you always get hurt before?"

"Huh? Why are you asking that?"

Cynthia thought for a while and decided to be honest with her. "Base on your brother's action yesterday, it seemed like you get hurt a lot. Do you often involve yourself in a fight?"

"Not really." Sofia answered while her brain shouted at her 'Liar!'. She ignored that side of her brain and kept walking. "I'm trained to defend myself since I was young. I often get bruises from the training so, we have that ointment all the time. At the same time, when I started going to school, many students like to pull pranks at me and sometimes they get physical which was the reason my brother acted that way yesterday. He thought I'm being bullied."

"Is that the reason why you transfer to our school?"

"Hn. That's one reason."

Cynthia looked around and leaned closer to Sofia. She knew she shouldn't be saying this but she didn't want her friend to be clueless of what's happening in the school specially that the teachers turned a blind eye of this very important matter.

"This university, I think this is not a good choice for you." Cynthia muttered. "I heard that there's a sorority group here and their leader is very fierce. Even the teachers have to bow down to her."

"Do you know who's their leader?"

"No, I don't."

Sofia just nodded her head slightly without saying a word. Cynthia wanted to say more but they already arrived in the classroom and the next professor was waiting for them as well. She shut her mouth and lowered her head to walk down the aisle and find a seat next to Sofia.

The class started and Sofia thought of looking into this sorority group. She has to prepare herself in case she'll be targeted by them. Thinking about this thing, she remembered the woman whom they sat with to eat lunch yesterday. She remembered her wearing long sleeves even though the weather was hot and beneath those sleeves were patches of black and blue skin. It was obvious that she was physically bullied.

Sofia wrote something on her notebook and passed it to Cynthia when the teacher wasn't looking around.

Sofia: Do you remember the girl we ate with yesterday? The one who was sitting beside Britney?

Cynthia took her notebook and wrote something on it as well before passing the paper tot Sofia.

Cynthia wrote: I remember but I don't know her. However, I heard that she's the current toy of the sorority group right now. Anyone who associates with her will be included.

Sofia didn't say anything anymore and she ripped the paper to erase any evidence of their conversation. She continued to listen to the professor and stop thinking about unnecessary things for the meantime.

Amidst her silence, her phone vibrated twice indicating a message for her. She took it out and sneakily opened it when the teacher wasn't looking at her.

Reading the message, her mind went blank and her face turned beet red. She was blushing. Her heart was beating faster and faster while the temperature around felt hotter than usual. She didn't expect Liam to send her a message first.

Actually, it wasn't anything special. It was not an invitation to dinner or for a date. It was just a late morning greeting accompanied with a cute little polar bear-waking-up-to-a-morning-sun gif.

The second message was of him cheering up for her to have a great day.

It was just a simple message but to Sofia, it was like an irreplaceable treasure.