Yusef fought with Sofia right after Viktor. But she didn't go all out with him because she was already feeling a lot better. After sparring for almost an hour, they went out of the training room and walked to their respective rooms. Sofia took a quick shower and put on her casual clothes before going down for dinner.

She ate heartily and didn't care about her manners when she's with them. She's not the scary mafia boss you'd think her to be. She seemed like a spoiled and pampered princess.

Right after dinner, she left them to their own accord and she went back to her bedroom. She immediately pulled out her laptop and plugged in the flash drive that Yusef gave her. There were many files in the drive and all of them were related to CN University.

"hmm..Let's see this first." She clicked on the file with the name 'organization' and with that, the details of the sorority group in her school were unfolded in front of her. She read when it started and how it started. After few minutes, she grinned victoriously. "No wonder Yusef said that I'll be happy with the result." She continued to read the information and all the names listed on file.

Then, she proceeded to the videos and photos of the incidents that happened in school and out of school. Apparently, someone from the organization knew how to hack and every after incidents, she will erase all traces of their involvements. It was the reason why the school never found these devious acts done by the students.

"Too bad. I have come to ruin you." Sofia smiled and closed the laptop. She didn't need to continue watching them because she already knew that they were nothing but evidences. "How should I tear her face in front of Liam? He didn't deserve a woman like her. If I can't be with him, it should be someone better than this b*tchy woman."

She laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling right over her. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking and planning carefully of the things that she wanted to achieve and the kind of goal she wanted.

Not long after, she fell asleep and woke up the next morning. This time, it was Niko's turn to send her to school. When she woke out of her room to get some breakfast, he was already right outside her door with a tray of food.

"Morning, princess."

"Morning." Sofia covered her mouth when she yawned and opened the door a little wider for him to get inside. Even though she already showered, she was still a bit sleepy. "Have you eaten?"

"Hn. I have." Niko put down the tray of food on top of her bedside drawer and went to the bathroom to get the ointment that she usually used. "I'll put ointment for you."

"Great." Sofia's eyes lit up instantly. She couldn't reach her back and she knew there were some bruises on them. So, Niko's aid was really saving her. Well, he actually saves her all the time.

She went back to her bed and pulled her clothes up to show him his back. Sofia didn't think too much about how her skin was being exposed to a man. They grew up together and they have seen each other's body. She's long accustomed to these things. She had read some stories stating how a woman felt hot and how bashful they were when seeing a male's body but Sofia would only scorn at them. She didn't feel anything at all.

Niko rubbed the ointment on the bruises and as soon as he was done, he pulled down her clothes to cover herself once again. "Don't spar so hard with them next time. You don't have to prove your strength to us."

"I was just trying to vent my frustration last night but, you don't have to worry anymore. I am okay now and nothing can make me upset anymore."


"Yup." She grabbed the tray of food and started eating. Instead of leaving her alone, Niko sat on the couch and watched her eat. They also talked about other things while she's eating. "By the way, don't do anything if someone from the police department come. I'll take care of it. Just let them do their job."

"Do you think your man will come?"

"He's not my man." Sofia retorted. "But anyway, he won't be able to get anything out of this."

"I heard that he will be promoted if he can solve this case."

"I don't think he's after the promotion but anyway. I will be hindering him this time."

Niko looked at her and smiled. "As long as you can solve it. I won't interfere with any of your plans."


In that short moment, Niko saw the evilness that flashed across her eyes. Sofia looked really harmless and adorable but among them, she's the most swift and proficient killer. If you stand in her way, she will dispose you in a way that you won't be able to come back.

But despite that, if people show her little concern or kindness and help her in someway even if it wasn't needed, she will always repay that person several ten-folds. She would treasure them like precious them.

"I will wait for you outside."


Sofia smiled sweetly but her brain was already working eagerly to get rid of her rival. She's telling them that Liam was nothing to her but a toy when deep inside, she really likes him more than anyone else. 'Let's take one step at a time." She mumbled before finishing her meal.