Sofia went to school and this time, she already planned on provoking Janella. As much as she can, she wanted her to fall deeper into her trap until she's deep enough and won't have ways to come out.

Before she didn't really bother making friends but she didn't make enemies either. This time, she smiles to everyone who looks at her and talks to everyone who approached her, regardless of their gender and their year level. Perhaps it's because of the aura around him that made no one maltreat her. But an exception applies to a jealous person.

Janella heard that Sofia gained more admirers each day. Many students even mentioned that she will become the next university Queen because of her fame and her beauty. She attracted not just male students but even female students as well. Unlike Janella who was feared by everyone, Sofia was loved by everyone around her. They were really standing on opposite poles.

"Tomorrow, bring that woman to the main hide out. Make sure that she won't see us." Janella ordered her gang member and walked away with so much hatred. 'Hmp! So, what if many people like you? You still can't have the person you like.' She thought and called Liam on the phone, telling him that they'd meet during lunch break.

Since it was her who initiated the invitation, Liam agreed almost instantly. "I can see her in passing, too." He told himself while scrolling for Sofia's name. "Wait, is it wrong of me to see her when I like someone else? Do I really like Janella?" If it was before, Liam would never ask such question or even doubt his feelings for the woman. However, after meeting Sofia, he realized that he actually likes to keep her company. "Well, we're not in a relationship and Sofia is just a friend. Right! That should be it."

Sofia was secretly eating chocolates during class when her phone vibrated. It was a message from Liam which turned to be sweeter than the chocolates she ate. Even if she's not his main reason for coming to school, she was still happy that he wanted to see her even if it would just be for few minutes.

Technically, it should have been for few minutes. Liam should be meeting with Janella for lunch and he would meet Sofia in passing to give her chocolates, the same items that she gave him before. However, when Liam arrived, Niko instantly called Sofia that her crush arrived.

You can say that, they spoiled her so much to the point that they'd support whatever silly plan she has in her head and that includes reeling in Liam to her side.

Sofia was just packing her things when Niko's call arrived. "Bro?" She stated as soon as she answered it.

"Your man just arrived in gate 3. He must be here for that girl again."

"Hehehe, let's see who will come first." Sofia muttered with an evil smile on her lips. "I'll be right there but don't tell Yusef and Viktor about this. They will tease me for sure."

"Alrighty. I'll watch your show in silence." Niko ended the call and Sofia instantly jumped up from her seat and ran outside their classroom. It was the last subject in the morning and right before lunch. Her classmates watched her leaving figure, not knowing what to do.

"Where could she be going?" Cynthia muttered while looking helplessly to Sofia who was running farther from them.

"She said 'bro' so, it must be one of the three. It should be the eldest brother." Britney commented. "Anyway, let's go to the canteen and get our lunch."

On the other hand, Sofia carried all her book and her bag towards gate 3 and walked slowly as she could. She looked left and right and found Liam leaning on the side of his car. He didn't see her yet and Sofia pretended that she didn't see him, either. She reached for the zipper of her bag to get her phone when her books fell on the ground.

"Sofi, are you alright?" one of the female students asked while helping Sofia picked up her books.

"Yeah, I am fine. Thank you for helping me." She said with a sweet smile hanging on her lips.

"No, problem." The student left after getting Sofia's things.

At this point, Liam was already approaching Sofia from behind her. There was a frown on his face when he saw her carrying lots of things. "Sofi?"

"Ah!" She was startled again and her books fell. "Don't startle me." She muttered with her hands clutching her chest as she bent to pick up her things.

"Let me pick it up for you." Liam bent down and picked her books but instead of returning it to her, he carried it for her to avoid her arms getting sore. "I'm sorry for startling you. What are you doing here? It's lunch time, right? Aren't you planning to eat your lunch?"

"It's because I'm planning to eat my lunch which is why I am here. I am waiting for my brother to come and pick me up." Sofia answered shyly as she leaned closer to him. "I forgot to bring my wallet and my cafeteria card."

"Huh? You mean you're going home because you didn't have mo-"

Sofia covered his mouth with her hands instantly. "Don't say it. It's embarrassing." She lowered her head and removed her hands from her mouth. "I didn't want anyone to know. I was going to send you a message that I couldn't meet you today. I didn't realize this problem earlier."

"Do you want to grab lunch with me instead?" Liam suggested. "Your brother must be busy and if you go home now, it will take you more time. You might be late for your afternoon class."

Sofia thought about for a minute and glanced around. When she saw Janella coming over, she smiled and nodded her head. "Alright. I will take up your offer. I'll just treat you to a meal next time to repay you."

"Where do you want to eat?" Liam asked while walking her to his car. "I'll treat you to anything you like?"

"I'm not really into fancy meal if that's what you have in mind. In fact, I'm a fan of fast foods."

"Alright. I'll take you to McRonald." Liam opened the door of the car and covered her head as she got inside, making sure she won't bump onto the door frame. As soon as she fastened her seatbelt, he walked to the driver's seat and got inside. He didn't even bother looking at the gate and just drove out of the vicinity.

Niko watched everything from the beginning and he couldn't stop himself from clapping his hands. Best actress? Those actresses in the entertainment industry were nothing compared to Sofia. She has honed her skills in acting from she was young and now, no one can surpass her. You wouldn't even know that she's acting.

"Poor woman. Sooner or later, not only will you lose your man but you will lose everything you have right now." Niko mumbled while looking at Janella who standing near the gate, fuming in anger and rage.