Janella watched Liam left with Sofia in his car. She pulled out her phone and called Liam while watching the disappearing car from her sight. Her friends and the other members of the organization saw what happened, too. She maybe their leader but some students were delighted to see that she lost to Sofia again.

She always bragged that the officer was head over heels for her and that he would never fall for someone else. Now, it seems like that is not the case.

Liam's phone was connected to his car's system and whenever a call arrives, it will display on the screen in front of him. Sofia saw the call has appeared on his screen but Liam ignored it and didn't answer. The call came again and he ignored it once again until the other person ended the call on her own.

If he took out his phone, Sofia would know that the caller was Janella. But she didn't really have to know who it was. Seeing that he ignored the calls, it should be someone unimportant.

Janella called again and again but Liam ignored her calls. None of them was answered.

Liam drove the car to the nearest McRonald in order to have lunch with Sofia. It could be considered nearest by car but in truth, it was few kilometers away from her school. If she would walk from the university to the fast food restaurant, it would take her fifteen minutes to reach the place.

Even though it was quite far, many students still go to this place to eat because it has a good ambience and there were students from other university that they could befriend.

When Sofia entered the place, many students looked at her but she ignored all of them because her attention was all given to Liam.

"What do you want to eat?" Liam asked while leading her to a vacant seat near the window.

"I want a large drink, a burger, a medium-sized fries and a bowl of rice with tonkatsu toppings."

"Alright. Anything else?"

"That's all for me." Sofia smiled sweetly as she sat on the couch and placed her bag beside her. Her books that she was holding earlier was left inside Liam's car. "I'll call my brother while waiting for you."

"That would be good or he'd get worried for you." Liam gently rub Sofia's head before leaving to line up and get food for both of them.

"So, that's the rumored Sofia B? Is he eating with her boyfriend?"

"I didn't know she's really pretty in person."

"A lot of her pictures have circulated our school forum and she's really pretty."

"It says that she's not even afraid of the school bullies. She even sat with the recent victim."

"I heard that she's smart."

"Is she dating a police officer?"

"What could be her real identity?"

Many students gossiped in whispers, all of them talking about Sofia. As for their subject, she was busy talking with Niko. She didn't care about those gossips and she didn't care about another people's opinion. Her goal has always been getting the good side of Liam.

"You should have seen her face. She looks funny." Niko commented on the other line. "Wait, I think I have recorded it with the dashcam. You can watch it later."

"I don't need to see her face to know what she's thinking. I'm pretty sure she's pissed off with what I did."

"So, what are you planning to do?"

"Nothing as of the moment. I'll make preparations though. I know that she'd do something to me. She might start tomorrow. Not sure. I better prepare than be sorry later."

"You are right. Anyway, enjoy your lunch. Make sure that you talk to him about the investigation. Don't let him dwell on the incident or master will end his life. Always remember that profit, money and power would always be his priority not the lives of other people. Protect your man."

"He's not my – I'll talk to you later." Sofia abruptly ended the call and smiled to the man walking towards her. Liam was done ordering their food and was now heading back to their table. She ended the call, not letting Liam know that she was just lying to him.

"By the way, I have something I wanted to talk to you." Liam said while putting their food on the table. He gave Sofia the things that she likes and placed the ones for him on the other side. "It's about your company."

"Our company? What about it? I don't deal with our company but I know a little about them."

"You don't? Why?"

"Because my older brother can? He's better than me in all aspect and I think, he's well-suited in managing our business. On the other hand, I'm just a happy-go-lucky person that they spoiled."

"So, you admitted you're spoiled?"

"I am but I don't act like one. My brother will get mad but they always indulge me with things I want as long as it won't harm me or anyone else." Sofia blabbered on and on, making things up that not even Liam could tell she was lying. "Anyway, what is it that you want to know?"

"There's this incident a while ago that involved your company. I mean, one of the victims was your employee."

"I heard about that. It's about the kidnapping and the hit-and-run case, right?"


"I don't know much about what happened and I am not trying to be bias but I don't think we're at fault here. As far as I know, the one who worked for us, I forgot the name already, had so many secret transactions. This is not the first time that he sold company information and company resources but we didn't do anything to him. Aside from that, before he worked for us, he actually has many enemies because of his arrogant attitude. My brother found this recently from the other employees."

"Did he work for someone else before he became an employee to your company?"

"I'm not really sure. I'll ask my brother about that."

"Thank you. I'd be very happy to solve this case."

"I'll help you as much as I can as well." Sofia looked down on her food, hiding the smirk that appeared on her lips. 'Help? Of course, she would. She likes him after all.'