When Sofia came back to the university, many students asked her if she was in a relationship with the police officer, who was Liam. She said they weren't but they didn't believe her words because many students saw her getting into his car. There were students as well who ate at McRonald and saw her with the officer. They even posted a picture of her with him on their school forum.

Sofia didn't firmly deny their doubts because she wanted words to spread about her and Liam. In that way, it would be easy for her to bait Janella and get rid of her.

After attending her classes for the whole afternoon, Sofia didn't go home directly. She still needed to do something but she has to wait for the other students to come home. She can't risk herself of being found by some other people.

"I can have the other men install it for you." Niko told Sofia when she got inside the car and told him her plan. "Why must you do it yourself? What's the use of having these men around you if they're not helping?"

"I just want to make sure that there won't be any mistakes on my plan." Sofia answered while looking outside the window. "By the way, do you have any idea how Ivan and master really met? I have a feeling that Ivan wasn't telling me the truth about his family's death."

"Really? Or are you feeling that way because you believe in that officer more than you believe the man that Lucas chose."

"Well, I met Liam first."

"You only met him several days before Ivan."

"Whatever. I always trust my instinct and right now, it's telling me that there's something wrong with his story." Sofia retorted with firm conviction in her eyes.

Niko just raised his hands in surrender, not wanting to have an argument with her. After an hour, Sofia stepped outside the car and walked back inside the university.

"Ma'am Sofia? What are you doing here?" one of the guards asked when he saw her walking towards the science building.

"I forgot something chief. I'm just going to get it and leave right after."

"Do you need help?"

"No, it's fine. I can manage."

"O-okay." The guard looked at her and the darkening hallway, and gave a helpless smile. "Be careful."

"Yes, chief." Sofia smiled at the man and as soon as he left, she continued walking to the science building. Her soft footfalls echoed through the corridor but she still found some students here and there - on their way home and some were on their way to attend their evening classes. It's normal for university students to have evening classes.

It wasn't really the science building that she was looking for but the secluded garden behind it where many students avoided. It was a very beautiful garden before but after a student's suicide occurred two years ago, this garden was neglected and not many people come to this part of the school.

Those few people who came to this area were some students from the science department who would take some materials for experiments and the other people were those lovers who wanted to make out in school. The pleasure was overwhelming that they no longer felt afraid of the possibility that a ghost was watching them.

Sofia didn't believe in ghost and she wasn't afraid if there's one either.

Since the garden was at the back of the building, there wasn't much light that could illuminate her way but Sofia didn't mind. She needed to blend with the darkness which makes it easier for her if there's no light coming inside.

She dialed Yusef's number and informed him that she will be setting up some cameras and that he needed to configure everything through her phone. She talked in whisper, moving as slow as she could to make sure that she won't alert anyone with the noise. After the call ended, she looked for the right spot where she could place the cameras.

On the other hand, Yusef hacked her phone in order to help her set up and do the monitoring. She only brought three cameras so, she placed it in different coordinates which formed a triangle placement. In that way, all angles can be taken with no way to hide.

As soon as she was done, she left the garden, not noticing a black shadow on the tree where she climbed to put a small camera.

"Goodbye, chief!" Sofia bid farewell when he passed by the guardhouse on her way out of the campus.

Niko leaned on the other side and pushed open the door for Sofia. "Done?"

"Yup yup. I'm only waiting for my target to make her move." She said as she fastened her seatbelt while Niko turned on the car engine.

"How will you do it? If they wanted to deal with you, they might bring you somewhere else."

"No, they won't." Sofia confirmed. "I know that they won't."

She has calculated everything before making this decision. With Janella being the leader of the group, there's indeed a chance that she'll ask her underlings to abduct Sofia. However, she's not giving her that chance. If she would want to deal with her, she'll have to do it at the back garden.

"You'll know soon. Anyway, in the next few days, I'll be coming home late in order to establish some rumors. Also, dig up the dirty secret of your ex-employee. If there's none, make something up. I need it to help Liam."

"I thought you will help me deal with him." Niko retorted while driving. "How come I'm the one looking for ways."

"I told him that you are the one managing the company and that I'd have to rely on you. I told him that our goody-goody ex-employee was a man with several dirty secrets before coming to work for us. I told him that he has many enemies and that he has huge debts. You can make up something out of these words. You can pay some people either. You can disguise our men as loan sharks or debt collectors. It's up to you."

"Do you really like that guy or are you just fooling him?"