"Why are you bringing up my feelings for him?" Sofia asked with a pout. "Don't ask me. I don't want to talk about it." She waved her hand in dismissal. In truth, the reason why she didn't want to talk about it was because, she had no idea what she really felt.

Sofia grew up being a killer machine and that her foster father, the head of the organization, will only appreciate her if she can kill the targets being haunted or if she secures a project with other businessmen. The people around her valued her not because she's pretty or that she's kind to others but because she's someone to be feared.

As for the three closest people around her, they treated her like their real sister but sometimes, she still wanted to get validation from other people. If she has to admit it herself, she's really the attention seeker type of person. She likes it when people look at her or when people admire her.

But when she saw Liam on the night she was supposed to show her prowess as a racer, her mind went blank for a moment. She told herself that she'd make him fall for her. She told herself that a strong person like him would be a great boost to her confidence if he would come to like her.

Now? She wasn't sure anymore. She genuinely wanted him to get promoted but that would mean sacrificing what she has; the organization, the company and her family. Even though she wanted him to get the promotion, she chose to side the people she grew up with.

Is she really in love? Is she fooling him? She didn't know.

On the way back home, Sofia was silently thinking what she really felt towards Liam but up until they arrived home, she didn't have an answer.

"Welcome home, young mistress." The guards greeted her as soon as she stepped out of the car.

Sofia didn't say anything in response but she nodded her head ever so slightly. She carried her bag and went inside the house where she found Ivan sitting in the living room. He wasn't wearing any apron today but instead, he was dressed in suit and pants. He looked very formal and handsome.

"Young mistress, I have cooked dinner already. I will be going to attend a party that Master Lucas entrusted to me. I'll be back in few days."

"Okay." Sofia replied without an ounce of hesitation. The man stood up and straightened his clothes, readying himself to leave. Sofia looked at him up and down before turning around to leave. "If you ever want to meet Liam in the future, don't tell him that we know each other."

"Why?" Ivan asked and it was the same question that Niko had in mind. He was also wondering why she didn't want the man to know.

"I have my reasons and you don't need to know about it. Go and do your thing." Sofia went upstairs, to her room where she can spend time to deal with the confusing matters of her heart.

She didn't come out during dinner. It's not the first time that she's kipping a meal and she knew that it won't be her last but, she really didn't have any appetite to eat.

She opened her bag and found a small box inside it. For some unknown reason, she started to doubt Ivan. She started to think that the man wasn't telling her the truth and that there was more to what she was seeing in the surface. There was even this tiny irritation she felt for him. However, she couldn't really muster herself to really get angry whenever she remembers the necklace. All these years, it was this little thing that keeps her sane, keeps her going; and it was something given by him.

"Am I being tested?" She asked herself while looking at the necklace. She thought that, after knowing the real owner of the necklace, she'd fall for him or that she'd revere him as someone she'd look up to. In the end, the guy has become part of their organization.

"Whatever. Let's leave it up to fate." Sofia returned the necklace inside the small box and place it inside her bag. Wherever she goes, she'd always bring this necklace with her because she believed it's her lucky charm. "Let's deal with my beloved stepmother and uncle instead."

Her mood instantly switched and she became excited once again. She's excited to destroy the family that the scums have tried so hard to build. "Maybe I should look for my auntie first. They must have suffered after what her husband did to her." She dialed Yusef's phone without further ado, and waited for the other party to pick up her call.

"What is it? Are you hungry? Do you want me to bring you food?"

"No, I'm not." Sofia answered after listening to the series of question. "I need your help to find someone. Actually, there are two people I want you to find but I believe they are living together so, it would be easy for you."

"Are they friends or enemies?"

"They are part of my family." Sofia answered. "I think they're the only living family I have. That is if they're still alive."

"Oh! Give me their names. I'll be able to get this done before tomorrow morning." Yusef replied while throwing glances at the other man around the table. He listened to Sofia's words, remembering the two names that she gave him. "I'll give you the information during breakfast."

"Okay. I'll take a rest now. Good night."

"Good night little girl." Yusef responded.

"She's being vulnerable again." Niko commented before putting food in his mouth.

"What can we do about it? Except us, she used to live a life of luxury and she was loved by her father and grandparents. And having little hope that someone out there would still care for her even after all that happens, we can't really rob her off of that."

"I'm not really against it." Niko muttered. "I just hope that she won't let anyone hold onto this weakness of hers."

"That's why she has all the three of us, right?" Viktor added in question. "We're suppose to protect the only sister we have."