Just as Yusef promised, the next morning, Sofia got the information about her relatives. They're alive but they weren't living a good life. Her auntie was ill and the illness was getting worse without proper treatment. Her cousin Juliet has stopped studying and was currently working to help provide for the family of two. Even though there were just the both of them, they were still having a hard time because Evangeline's medication was expensive.

"Let's visit them this weekend." Sofia announced while reading the report in front of the three men. They were having breakfast together before going to their respective works and whatever things they needed to know. "Any Viktor, can you help me book an appointment with the best doctor in the city who specializes in my auntie's illness?"

"Sure thing." Viktor answered without a moment of hesitation. "Of if you like, we can invite the best doctor from Europe."

"Let's not do that. Europe is our dwelling. I'm afraid of other people knowing about them. Let's act secretly for now."

"Understood." Viktor didn't say anything anymore and just continued eating. Today, it's his turn to send Sofia to school which mean, he'll be able to relax a little bit. "Just let me know if there's anything else you want me to do."


The four of them continued to eat while Sofia's mind started to get occupied with lots of things. Before, all she thought of doing was to follow Lucas and his orders. She didn't stop thinking of getting her revenge but she wasn't in a hurry either. She was taking her time and was doing things step by step. But now, she really has the urge to just wipe away the traces of the evil people who caused her to suffer so much.

After breakfast, Sofia went to school like usual. She listened attentively to class and sometimes, sneaked out to eat food, letting the students have an impression that she's quite naughty for someone pretty. At lunch, instead of going to the cafeteria, she started hanging out at the back of the science building.

Janella has stopped bullying other students as well because she already found a new target. She didn't want to waste her time and energy on anyone else but Sofia. During lunch, she really spent her time eating while her underlings kept looking for Sofia. They asked her classmates but no one knew where she went. Britney and Cynthia had no idea as well. They just knew that as soon as the bell rang to end the morning classes, Sofia would run out of the classroom as if someone was chasing her.

Two days later, someone spotted Sofia at the back of the science building. "Isn't that Sofia B?" A student asked while looking outside the science building. They should have been taking their lunch already but they needed to finish and experiment. One of the students went to the balcony of the science building and spotted her.

"What is she doing there? Isn't she aware of the story about the back garden?"

"It's either she's not aware or she's just brave to stay there."

"Janella had been looking for her. Why do you think is that?"

"She probably wanted to bully this girl since she's prettier than her. You know that she can't accept it if someone looks better than her."

"You're right. Let's just keep quiet about this."

So, even though several people knew where Sofia was staying, no one told Janella about it. And while Sofia pretended to be hiding behind the science building, she didn't forget to help Liam with his "investigation" which only led him to nothing but another dead end.

"Thank you for helping me with my investigation. Although it didn't much help us catch the culprit, at the very least, it cleans your company's name." Liam messaged over lunch while typing something on his computer.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. I was really wishing you'd get your promotion."

"The promotion isn't that important to me. By the way, have you eaten? You didn't forget your wallet or your cafeteria card, right?"

"Yes, sir. I always double check to see that they're with me."

"That's good to know. I'll be sending you a message later. I'll have to go and get something for lunch, too."

"Sure. Eat well and make sure to drink plenty of waters." Sofia reminded before putting the phone away. Doing things like this, she really felt like his real girlfriend but she knew it 's far from happening in real life. 'Why is that girl so slow?' Sofia asked herself while lying on the wooden bench under the three. It worn down and there were rotten parts already but she didn't care about it. She'll do whatever she likes to do.

The question she asked herself was soon answered. It was Thursday afternoon and she skipped her 2nd class in the afternoon to go to the garden at the back of the science building. At this moment, one of the members of the sorority group was attending her science class. She saw Janella outside the window and she immediately contacted Janella to let her know of the news.

Without waiting for more than a minute, Janella told the teacher that she's having a stomach ache and left the classroom. Knowing that she's a bit problematic, the teacher didn't bother her at all. She called some of her underlings from other classes and she told them to meet her at the back of the science building.

Even though she was the one who told them to come and meet her, she was the one to arrive late.

"So, you're hiding here? What a great place." Janella commented while looking at the ruined garden in front of her. There were tall grasses that she had no idea of where it came from. There were flowers and other things growing at the garden but the one that she was looking at was Sofia who was sitting on the wooden bench with her eyes closed.

"Are you listening to me?!" Janella snapped and yelled in anger.

"Why should I listen to you? Are you my mother? My father? The son? Or the holy spirit?" Sofia retorted in nonchalance which irritated the woman even more.

"Get hold of her! Now!"