"What do you think you're doing?!" Sofia yelled in anger but the woman who came with Janella suddenly stuffed Sofia's mouth with a ball of handkerchief to gag her. "Nngghh! Nngghh!" Sofia wanted to spit out the handkerchief but they tied another handkerchief from her mouth to the back of her head. No matter how much she tried to shout, it was pointless.

"Now. Now. Where were we?" Janella crouched low and held Sofia's chin forcibly. "You dare snatch my man away. You should have seen this coming."

"Nngghh!" Sofia tried her best to get away from them but there were two ladies holding her down, one on each of her side. They were holding her arms tightly, not giving her any space to move about.

"Scared?" Janella questioned as she let go of Sofia's face. Her fingers left a deep red imprint on Sofia's smooth and white skin, making her look especially pitiful with her tears pooling in her eyes. "I hate people like you." Janella muttered and suddenly slapped Sofia's cheek. It was so sudden that Sofia hadn't had the chance to cover herself.

Even though the impact was hard, she didn't fell on the ground because of the two people holding her up. "Is it alright for us to do this here?" one of the ladies asked. "Let's not forget that we're at the back of the science building. Some students must be having class in any of the rooms right now."

"Don't worry. We have other people in other classes. They won't let anyone see these the things were doing." The other lady mentioned and continued to hold on Sofia.

"You hear that?" Janella questioned Sofia with her lips raised to a smile. "No one will lend help. No one will believe that this happened to you here. Who in their right mind would stay in this garden?"

Sofia tried to pull her arms forcibly and it was twisted painfully which brought tears in her eyes. She wanted to punch the woman so much but she had to act like the victim she was and make her acting believable while it's being recorded through the CCTV cameras she installed few days ago.

"Ah. I really hate your face." Janella muttered and slapped Sofia once again. Sofia's face was already swollen and was red from taking hits but Janella didn't stop from there. She kicked Sofia on the stomach several times and grabbed a handful of hair before yanking her up.

Surely it was painful and there were tears falling on Sofia's face now but she couldn't yell or even say anything.

"I hope you have learned your lesson. Remember this; William is mine and mine alone. You cannot have or even touch a single tip of his finger. If I ever see you with him once again, this is not the only thing you'd receive from me." Janella pressed her nails near Sofia's eyeballs which made Sofia shrink in fear. Janella pushed her down and this time, the two ladies didn't catch her and let her fall.

"Ha! I dare her to make a move again. She will surely lose her fingers or arms next time."

"Look at her! She's glaring at us."

"She must have not learned her lesson yet."

Janella approached Sofia once again and kicked her several times more. Dirt covers her face; her dress was already crumpled and was raised a little which showed her smooth and white legs. Seeing her flawless skin, Janella narrowed her eyes and suddenly stepped on Sofia's fair-skinned thighs with her heels.

If Sofia didn't have any gag on her mouth, she'd be screaming in pain right now. Actually, she could endure even more painful things done a beating but she had to act so weak in front of these women.

Unbeknownst to them, when Sofia was pushed to the ground and was forced to curl her body to protect herself, she had already pulled out her phone and dialed Liam's number. She didn't say anything but Liam heard everything on the other line and was already on his way to the school.

Satisfied with what she did, Janella let the backyard garden as if nothing happened. The students inside the science building rooms didn't say anything and didn't involve themselves in this matter. They turned a blind eye to what occurred at the garden and didn't even call help from the teachers. How can they? In each room, there were members of the sorority group guarding the other students.

If it were just a normal sorority group, they'd never let this people step on them but what they were afraid of were the people behind them. They're not just a group formed by female students but they have very many connections to the gang groups outside. If they involve themselves, they'd find their bodies being surrounded by gangsters later in the afternoon. They couldn't afford that.

"Let me in! Someone's in trouble inside the campus" Liam told the security guard of CN University as he showed his police badge. The guard immediately opened the gate and Liam got inside with obvious anxiety on his face. "Sofi, where are you?"

Sofia groaned for several seconds before finally taking off the handkerchiefs from her face. She was heaving to let some oxygen in her lungs while she tried her best to squat on the ground. She took a peek on the cameras and the corners of her lips was lifted into a smile.

"Sofi? Please answer me."

"I'm…I'm in ba-back…in back g-garden." She said with practiced difficulty while allowing her tears to fall freely. She didn't really want to cry in front of other people but she had to let others think she's weak to make things look real.

"Wait right there. I'll come and get you." Liam ended the call and turned to the security who was following behind him and the other two police officers. "Which of this place has a backyard garden?"

The guard thought for a moment before leading them to the science building. "There are two backyard gardens in this place but the other one was exclusive for the agriculture class. I guess the one you're looking for was at the back of the science building." The guard led them there and as they walked, Liam caught sight of Janella walking on the campus ground, not far from them.

"Will!" Janella called out to him but Liam ignored her. Right now, the only thing that matters to him was to find Sofia.

Behind his computer, Yusef was shaking his head while clapping his hands for the tear-jerking performance that Sofia showed. If he didn't know what was really the real deal, he'd really think that she's being beaten badly. But they're talking about Sofia. She had broken several bones in the past, earned a huge wound on her lower back and even got herself shot. Every day, she's almost beaten to death due to their training. Kicks? Slaps? Stomps? Those were nothing.

'Sigh. This girl really gives her all when she wants to eliminate someone.' Niko thought while looking at the video on Yusef's computer screen. "Make sure that this thing will be handled properly. We cannot let these things go to waste."

"Of course. You can count on me." Yusef saved everything and smiled coldly.