As soon as Janella was caught, Sofia went to court with her brothers to formally start the trial process. It wasn't open to public in order to protect Sofia's identity. It wasn't really a big case when you think of it. Bullying one person in school is normal occurrence in any campus; be it public schools or private-owned schools. Not many people have been reported and was sent to jail for this kind of crime. However, this wasn't just a case of one student being bullied, it was more than that.

The rumor of one student committing suicide behind the science building was discussed once again and it was found out that the student was once bullied by Janella. Kisses, the last victim before Sofia also gave her testimony and even showed some of her bruises that haven't healed yet because she ran out of ointment.

It wasn't just Janella, the school administration was also held responsible for neglecting their responsibilities towards the students' lives. They were asked to pay a hefty sum of money.

At the same time, since they helped Sofia to be enrolled without any problem, Niko withdraw his case against the school. But it wasn't the same for Janella.

"Why should I be sorry for what I did? She deserves it! They deserve it! Why should I apologize?!" Janella yelled in anger which made the jury shake their head. The culprit was not remorseful at all.

"Since that is the case…"

Janella no longer care about her image and the possible opinion that Liam had in mind. She was angry and continued throwing curses towards Sofia who was the victim of this incident. She laughed and yelled at the same time, giving them the feeling that she already lost her mind.

"I'm glad that everything's fine now." Liam told Sofia over the phone. "Sorry I wasn't able to visit you in the hospital."

"It's fine. I got discharge already and will continue to recuperate at home."

"That's good to know. Then, you take a good rest. I'll get back to do my work."

"Hn. Bye."

The weekend passed without them seeing each other again. They only talked over the phone, expressing their concern and worry for each other even though their relationship didn't really have a label.

When Monday came, Sofia was greeted with her classmates cheerfully and even other students from different level and different major also came to express their thoughts. They were so happy that she managed to overthrow Janella from the campus. The weaker students were finally able to breath in relief and they faced their days with more positive outlook in life. Sofia was their savior.

The professors started to become wary of her as well. They never thought that this new student will bring storm to their school. Even though the lawsuit against them was withdrawn, the school's name was already tarnished and many people will surely be hesitant to study in their university. Sofia didn't care any of these, though.

The safety of the students was her first priority after knowing there was bullying in school. It was only a consolation when the mastermind of this was Janella. She was hitting two birds with one stone.

'Now, I'm done getting rid of that woman. It's time to scare my dear stepmother and uncle again. What should I send them next time?'

"Hey." Cynthia knocked Sofia's forehead to pull her back to earth. "Are you alright? I've been speaking nonstop here but you aren't listening,"

"Sorry. My mind wandered off to some place."

"Sigh. I understand that you just went through a traumatic incident. Anyway, I'll deal with our projects. I'll let you know which part you should be doing."


And there, her mind went off somewhere again. She was busy thinking of what she will do with her 'nice' relatives, making sure that it will be something surprising.

In front of everyone, Sofia was like an angel. She smiles prettily and she's very kind. She even helps the janitor pick some trash when she has time. But she's also the vicious type of person. When you mess with her, she will mess with your life a thousand times – like a demon beckoning your soul to hell right in front of your eyes. She will let you trample on her but when it's time for her to fight back, she'd slowly inject poison on you, hurting you, making you anxious until you want nothing but death.

"Sofi, Lucas came back. He wanted you to check our business on the 5th Avenue of Naga City. Someone's messing with the ladies and our business was greatly affected." Viktor's voice resonated through her Bluetooth earpiece.

Sofia pulled out her notebook and her pen, and started writing some codes that only her organization knows: 'Any death?'

"Three ladies died in two weeks. Autopsy result shows that it was due to drug abuse. We never allowed our women to use drugs."

She wrote again: 'Any leads?'

"None at the moment. Since you're a woman and no one knew your true face, Lucas wanted you to go there."

"I understand." Sofia muttered verbally which made Cynthia and Britney frowned.

"What do you understand? You didn't even listen to me." Cynthia chided again while shaking her head from side to side.

Sofia opened her mouth to say something but she closed it again. It's better if she says nothing right now or she will be scolded by her friends again.