"I'll go somewhere." Sofia said as she picked up her bag. "I'll have to ask for one week leave from the school. There's an urgent matter that I needed to tend to. If I can finish it before one week is over, I will come back as soon as I can."

"What about our project?"

"Just send me the details in my email. I will do it before leaving tonight."


"Take care of yourselves while I'm gone." Sofia reminded them one last time before finally leaving.

She jogged to the registrar's office to get the school form for leave of absence and filled it out. Students who passed by her would always say their greeting as if it was necessary to greet her. Sofia would only smile and say nothing.

The school registrar didn't bother asking for what reason she'd be out of school in one whole week. In any case, it's not her money that's being wasted and it's not her grade that's being affected.