"You can call me sir George." The manager stated. "Everyone does that." He added as they walked to the third floor of the establishments where many rooms can be seen. "Are you aware of business here?"

"Yes. Mr. Russo explained it to me."

"Alright. Since it was Mr. Russo who brought you here, I won't ask anything about you. I just want you to do your best and provide the right service."

"I will, sir George."

"Good." The man continued to walk until they reached a certain room and he knocked on it. The door was opened by a young lady who looked at Sofia with naked surprise. "They will be your roommates. You can introduce yourself later on. Quick and put away your suitcase. I'll give you a short tour of this place. Since this is your first day, I'd give you a chance to observe the others later. Tomorrow, I'll let you work officially."

"Yes, sir."