Instead of going to sleep, Sofia pulled out her headset from her bag and plugged it on her phone. She cannot use her Bluetooth headset which would give her cover away thus, she has to stick with an old-looking headset to pair with her old-looking phone. She opened the video and saw how Wendy bullied Suzy Diaz.

The first part of the video was of Wendy showing the cake to Sofia. The design was grotesque and bloody. And she really has to applause this woman's talent because the cake looked like it's made of real flesh and blood. It was a severed head modeled after Suzy's face figure. The decapitated head had its eyes wide open and blood was oozing from its mouth. There were veins and tendons hanging on the neck as well. If Sofia didn't know it was just a cake she requested, she'd really think that Wendy has killed Suzy and placed her head inside the box.