Sofia moved quietly in the shadows. She tried to make little noise as much as she could. She didn't want her target to know of her presence yet. Not Yet. She needs to have an advantage against her enemy even though she was confident in her strength. This will be the first time she'd take someone down without the order from Lucas.

"Lucas would be pissed off for sure." Sofia muttered to herself as she crawled on the ground, towards the source of the muffled noise she heard.

The sound was faint but she was sure that she was going to the right direction. She lift her body from the ground and hid behind a tree, taking a peak on the person who held Jude in captivity.

Sofia narrowed her eyes when she saw that quick flash of light. It was so small she thought she was seeing things but when she really focus her eyes on it, she realized that the man was holding a needle. He was sewing Jude's lips.