Liam had been walking to the west but still couldn't find any signs of Jude and his kidnapper. His gut was telling him he was wrong but he also didn't want to make mistakes in case Alice was right.

'Five minutes.' He thought as he continued to move forward. He listened to any sounds that could tell him the right direction but there was nothing but crickets and frogs. 'Damn it! I'm going back!' He couldn't last five minutes more and immediately turned around to retrace his track. He jogged, wanting to be there for the woman before it's too late. He didn't want to risk someone's life even if she was an officer, too.

After ten minutes of running, he heard some groans and the sounds of metals clanking together. He knew there was a fight and his stomach lurched to the thought that a criminal was engaging in a fight with a petite woman. He prepared himself for an attack but Ralph's words stopped him from moving.