She's being kidnapped right in the middle of the day with so many people watching in fear. She could see that others were calling the police but no one really moved to reach out to her. Of course, that's expected. Normal people in their right mind won't do something that could risk their life, especially with abductors who were armed to the teeth.

"I said get in!" The man hit her with the hilt of his gun and which sent bile to her mouth. It was painful but it wasn't enough to make her lose consciouness. However, she pretended to faint.

Her suitcase was left in the middle of the street and the van left in a hurry. When the police force arrived, all they found was Sofia's suitcase that was lying on the road with a store security guard guarding it. They cannot touch it knowing that it would be a used as evidence for the kidnapping that happened right in front of them.