'I will wait and wait. No matter how long it will take.' Sofia kept Liam's words close to her heart. She'd be going a lot of dangerous things from now and one day, their paths might even crosses. She could only hope that Liam won't ever recognize her because when she goes into missions, she sometimes appears with her real self.

"I'm out of here." Sofia mumbled as she wore her glasses and walked out of the mansion. There was no hint of love or happiness on her face even with the thought of Liam. When she left, there was only coldness and gloom around her. The way she looked around the house, the way she checked her car, she was vigilant and wary of any people coming close to her.

"Young mistress, I will be sending you to the airport today." One of the bodyguards commented while staying two meters away from Sofia.

"I can drive the car just ask others to come and follow me and you drive the car back. I want to be alone."

"Yes, ma'am."