During the day, Sofia was nothing but an ordinary tourist. She was touring J country for its amazing spots that enticed many people around the world to visit this place. There were shrines, white sand beaches, beautiful garden with different kinds of flowers, and so much more. The people were friendly, too. You can't say anything bad about the place at all.

At night, even when many people were awake, she goes out like a phantom, hiding in the shadows to make sure that no one would spot her. She was wearing her body-tight jumpsuit and her hair was tied and covered with a rubber cup, making sure that not a single hair can be seen. She can't leave any evidence of her existence.

She made her way to the warehouse that Ricci often visited in the past few days. She wanted to check for herself as to what's really inside that place. She wouldn't believe that it was just a normal furniture warehouse because Ricci didn't deal with this kind of business.