Viktor called for his team. His team composed of people who worked in different fields but they all belong to the organization. They seemed like they have a good life but when needed, they'd kill people that Lucas would ask them to. Right now, they're going to rescue to people by pretending these people to be dead.

"C'mon! Hurry your butts up and take these bodies." Viktor shouted while moving part of his team towards the secret passage. The other half were distracting the people that Senior Qin sent. "Tsk! What a mess. Whoever bombed this place really wanted the people living here to perish without an intact body."

"Sir, we have taken someone from the inside but we couldn't confirm his identity as well." One of his men, who dressed up as a police officer, said these words loudly.

"We can confirm that with DNA later on. Just bring that body out."

"Yes, sir."