Qin Yu was reported dead to the public and was cremated under the eyes of his father. Little did they knew, when the cremation area was turned on, it wasn't really working. Senior Qin watched for a while but when his wife started breaking down again, he left to console her.

This was what Viktor and his team waited for. As a person with mellower personality, Yusef pretended to be someone who really cared for the family loss. He wore a sympathetic expression, observing the surrounding to make sure that everything's under control.

As soon as the Qin couple left, Viktor pulled out the stretcher and helped Qin Yu up. "Your father was really paying close attention to us. He must have wanted to make sure that you are a done deal." Viktor said, giving him new clothes to wear so he can go out of the place without any worry.

"Too bad, he's up against Sofia. If I really messed with her, I'd probably really lying here for real cremation work."