Sofia sat on the ruined bed and looked outside the window. There's no one there now and she could see blood splattered on the window glasses of the building across the street. She didn't know if she killed them successfully or just wounded. What's important to her was the fact that they're gone.

If it wasn't for the huge mirror on the wall, she would never know their position and wouldn't be able to take a good shot at them.

"They're actually idiots. They didn't damage the mirror on the wall first. And luckily, because of their stupidity, I am still alive." Sofia muttered while placing her guns inside the suitcase and placed it under the bed again.

She could hear the sirens of the police car and she knew that they'd be coming at her. She's not afraid about it. She has plenty of disguise to wear.

She leaned on the wall, letting her blood create more mess to show them how battered she was.

Knock. Knock. Knock.