Sofia didn't really want to break the chip at the back of her phone but since she lost so much blood, she was bound to faint any moment. She was afraid of being unconscious around strangers especially with doctors and nurses. Anyone can disguise as them and kill her in the hospital. She didn't want to die yet. She can't die.

"Can we wait." She told the doctor who was about to rush her inside the emergency room. "I don't want to go inside unless I see my brother." Sofia insisted, holding onto the doctor's hand to stop him.

"I'm impressed that you have stayed conscious despite what is happening to your body." The doctor commented as he held to Sofia's smaller hand. "However, I cannot adhere to your request. You have lost so much blood already and if I won't administer aid as soon as possible, I'm afraid you would die. You might be fighting yourself to stay awake but your body won't be able to hold on."

"I know my body more than anyone else."