"Ahem!" Yusef coughed exaggeratedly to get his sister's attention back to him. "We have a little problem though."

"What problem?" Sofia inquired, still playing on her mobile phone. She turned on the airplane mode of her phone to avoid getting messages and calls. "I thought you have handled everything. Also, where's Qin Yu now? Were you able to help him escape?"

"Little girl, you are in no position to worry about other people as of the moment. Worry about yourself. Liam is in the city looking for you."

The light on Sofia's eyes couldn't be hidden at all and she almost smiled brightly when she realized the ponderousness of the information. "He is in the city? Did he see you?"

"Yes. Apparently, he asked someone's help to track you down so you two could meet up. He even ended up at the hotel and knew about the accident. He just didn't know you were involved in it."

"What excuse did you say?"