Since Sofia just arrived back from her fake business meeting, Liam decided it would be better for him to visit her in the hotel where she stayed. In that way, she won't have the hassle to go wherever he was after a long day of work.

Liam was excited to see her and as much as Sofia wanted to see him, she was also worried that he'd find something wrong with her. She shouldn't be up and walking around but she has to force herself for Liam. She can't allow him to know that she was involved with the incident at the hotel where she last stayed.

'Ding! Dong!'

Sofia opened the door to her hotel room and Liam greeted her with a huge bouquet of flowers. She didn't expect it.

"I miss you." Liam kissed her cheek and took a peck on her lips. "I am glad I got few days off."

"Sorry I didn't have so much time for a date."

"It's okay. When you're busy, I'll try my best to find time and see you. When you're not busy, you can do the same."