"So, their officers asked help from us but their superior refused?" Liam questioned his superior during their morning meeting. He just returned to work and he didn't expect to hear this news. "The lives of the children are at stake and he still wanted to think of his selfish reputation? He should be thankful that we're willing to help however much we can." 

"Officer Hughes, not all officers have the same outlook and principle as you. I know it's selfish but we all have interest that we wanted to protect. Anyway, I've thought of a way already." 

"Hold on." Liam raised his hand to stop him and passed a little piece of paper to the other man. "Please check on this before you decide on something." 

The chief officer reads the note that was passed to him and his eyes darkened. "The meeting is adjourned. William, stay. You have a lot of things to explain."