Sofia called Liam during lunch – talked about the things she was busy with at home and even asked him how the food that she sent to him through Gavin tasted. He was happy, of course. Being pampered by his beloved girlfriend was enough for him to be energized for the rest of his shift. 

Kevin went out to eat lunch with his other colleagues and he already heard Liam talking to Sofia. When they returned, Liam was still talking happily with her. 

"I'm envious of the young couple." One of the older officers commented when he saw Liam eat his meal deliciously with Sofia. "My wife no longer cares about me and she always fusses about money and bills." 

"That's the same for me. My wife was so sweet when she was still my girlfriend but now, I am no longer her priority. She doted on our child but is always cranky when she's with me." responded another man who shared the same sentiment with his co-worker.