Chapter 5

As usual, he still had to study late on Friday. It was more than 9 o'clock after school. Henry had not finished drinking the coke he bought in the canteen in the afternoon. He was still drinking. He bit the straw and walked out of the school while looking at his mobile phone.Fortunately, on Friday, all the teachers and students were busy going home, and no one had the leisure to pay attention to discipline at the school gate - their school did not allow students to take mobile phones to school.

On his way back to the Lihong hair salon, he received a call from his mother. He was just concerned about his study and life as usual, and asked if he wanted to go to his aunt at the weekend?Just have a meal. Don't stay long.

Henry knew that his mother was still worried about the professional nature of sister vivi, so he never told her that he was no longer living in school, for fear that she would think more.Fortunately, his parents are busy with business and don't have much time to worry about him.

His mother repeatedly told him to pay attention to his health and study hard. Finally, she said that his mother had hit your card for the cost of living this month and saved some money.Henry came down one sentence at a time, kicking his empty coke can under his feet.

He hung up and just walked up to a fruit stand.The boss was going to close the stall. When he saw him stop, he quickly wiped his hands on his apron and did business attentively.Henry saw strawberries in a small red plastic basket with a note "sweeter than first love" under it.The boss picked it up and showed it to him: "everyone is so big and beautiful. Buy a basket. It's cheaper for you. The work will be finished immediately."

Henry laughed when he thought that Cathy loved strawberry candy and even chose strawberry as the lubricant.He didn't know how to pick fruit, so he looked at the big red one and picked two baskets. The boss said that he was two yuan less per kilogram.On Friday night, Lihong hair salon has always had the best business. Men who have been tired for a week like to come for recreation at this time.But the excitement could not be seen on the surface. It was hidden in the rooms on both sides of the corridor on the first floor and had to go through the door to hear it.Outside the store, Olivia was sitting alone, eating melon seeds with a lonely face, listening to the background sound of TV in a daze.

Henry came in carrying a plastic bag with strawberries. Olivia saw him and said, "brother is back."

"Well, where's sister vivi?"

The dirty purple insect killing lamp hanging on the wall killed a moth and made a "crackling" sound.Olivia waved her hand in the air and said sadly, "mosquitoes are so fierce this summer. It's no use lighting mosquito incense... You ask sister vivi?She went out this afternoon and hasn't come back yet. "

Henry put down a basket of strawberries and said to Olivia, "I bought strawberries. Eat them. I'll go upstairs first."

Cathy broke a dish while washing dishes for Wendy two days ago. She went to pick up fragments and cut her finger. The wound was a little big.She stuck a band aid and couldn't start work. She lay in bed bored every day playing Tetris in her mobile phone.When Henry came back, he stuffed his cell phone into her and let her play the games inside.

He took Cathy's stainless steel bowl and washed strawberries in the bathroom.After a while, Cathy appeared by the door without shoes and stepped on her right foot with her left foot.The tap was always on. Henry pulled the green stem off the strawberry head and put it under the water.

"Why don't you play?"

"Come and see what you're doing."

Henry straightened up and put the freshly washed strawberries to Cathy's mouth: "taste it, is it sweet?"

It's not the first time he's fed Cathy.Cathy is greedy like a kitten and baptizes food with adoration every time.

Why didn't she look at strawberries today and look into his eyes?

Cathy first held the tip of the strawberry tail and sucked the rest into her mouth.For a moment, I couldn't tell which was redder - strawberries or her lips.Her eyes were still on Henry, and the restless factors in the air suddenly began to flow.She put away her two front teeth, afraid of hurting the delicate surface of strawberries, and sucked them with her lips and tongue for a long time.How can you taste it? Henry was inexplicably thirsty. He couldn't help swallowing a few salivas, but he couldn't let go of his fingers holding strawberries.Seeing that Cathy's lips were only a line away from his fingertips, he even felt her breath. At this time, Cathy suddenly loosened her mouth, released the negative pressure in the oral vacuum environment, and made a slight "Bo", which sounded very pornographic in this closed small bathroom.

Henry was so nervous that the pores of every hair root were sweating out, and the temperature of his head rose to an unprecedented level.He saw Cathy bite her lower lip, then slightly open her mouth and spit out a small bright red tip of her tongue.

He didn't know what he was crazy. He dared to think it was Cathy's invitation.So he managed to get up. Henry's whole body was soft when his four soft lips were stuck together. He was so afraid, even if it was a scene he thought about day and night and didn't know how many times.

He didn't dare to open his mouth, so he trembled and stuck it on Cathy's lips. He didn't dare to move and didn't want to leave. He was more afraid that Cathy would push him away.He is too frivolous. How dare he.

He felt himself a blasphemous devil.

Just a few seconds was infinitely extended into a century. Henry didn't even have the courage to breathe. His rigid body was supported only by Cathy's lips.Cathy suddenly moved, and then a thin air finally poured into his body. Then the taste was returned, with the sweet lip balm on the lips of Cathy, and he was filled with the viscera of his lungs, stomach and heart as if the five organs were filled with Cathy.

Cathy returned his soul temporarily, and their lips parted reluctantly.

Henry looked at Cathy at a loss. Her voice was a little hoarse: "aren't you going to give me strawberries?"

Strawberries came up again, and Cathy's rabbit teeth were finally willing to pierce the smooth skin, so that the sour and sweet taste spread to the cerebral cortex.

"Are strawberries... Sweet?"Henry is really concerned about this problem. He has to ask with a red face. Quan should change the topic.

"Well, it's better than strawberry candy."

Cathy licks her lips and still has aftertaste. People want to buy all the strawberries in the world for her.She looked at Henry and said, "wash it quickly. Don't waste water."

Henry realized that the water was still boiling and flowed. He quickly buried himself in washing the remaining strawberries.Cathy chuckled behind him and scratched Henry softly.

It's still very hot. The autumn tiger stops in summer and the time is suspended.Cathy hid herself in a mosquito net and ate strawberries. Henry sat at his desk and did his math homework.He wrote the green recycled paper with a pencil and rubbed it with an eraser a few more times.He was stuck in a series of questions and couldn't split the fraction. He made five or six paper balls with 100 pieces of draft paper for 5 yuan in the stationery store and threw them on the table without heartache;I didn't feel bad for the bangs on my forehead. I pulled them unconsciously and took out the strength of head hanging beam to deal with high school mathematics.

Cathy dragged the herringbone over. The bottom of the slipper was a little hard and the sound was clear.The weather is too hot, the electric fan can't roll the stagnant air, and the air becomes a dense solid.Cathy loves to sweat. There is a fine water mark on the back of the meat pink suspender. A new circle of young hair and broken hair on the hairline are wet, curled and pasted on her cheek to guide the beads of sweat to the temples and jaw. Finally, I don't know where to go.Sweat took away the overheated body temperature and transpiration gave her a smell of soap.Henry found that her fat, powder and body fragrance came from the cheapest white soap. Only if she was not talented enough, she needed external blessing and embellishment. Cathy was born with a beautiful bone and turned simplicity into nature. She was dressed in linen bags and her upper body was also made of silk.

She lifted up the partition screen, hung it on the rope and sat on the table by herself.The shorts were shortened again, and the heavy hip was only ten centimeters from Henry's right hand holding the pen.Cathy leaned over and frowned at his tangled draft paper. Her eyes turned to the math problem again. She slipped a strawberry into her mouth and hid it in her gills like a squirrel hoarding nuts.She looked at it for a while. Maybe it was only ten seconds. Her index finger stained with water pointed to the test paper: "the left one can be disassembled and divided into two parts and moved to the right of the equation."

Henry looked at her in surprise. She was embarrassed and said angrily, "try it!"

He scratched and pulled on the draft paper twice, and it really passed.Henry transcribed the formula to the test paper. The watermark Cathy had just pressed was not dry enough, and the pencil poked a hole.

Cathy shook her slippers with her toes and fed Henry the rest of the strawberries.

They left the window wide open, but there was no wind outside. There was a magnolia tree outside the window, and the leaves didn't move.Henry leaned out, picked some magnolias and gave them to Cathy. She tied the white sewing thread and hung it at the head of the bed.The room was full of Magnolia fragrance, and so was Cathy.

Henry didn't expect their second kiss to happen so quickly.

On Saturday morning, Henry went downstairs to buy a popsicle. He just turned back to Chang'an lane and saw the tired sister vivi staggering down from a black car.At present, she has two big dark blue eye bags, and her makeup can't hang. She reluctantly patted the window glass.

The car immediately drove away. Henry walked a few steps faster and said, "sister vivi, did you come back?"

Sister vivi was very tired and didn't want to say anything. Henry took the small bag she carried on her shoulder in exchange for her powerless voice "good boy."

When he got back to the store, sister vivi was going to make up for his sleep. When Henry saw Olivia, he told her that it was closed this weekend. At night, he went down the rolling shutter door and no one was allowed to go out. "I got the news last night. Recently, a new county magistrate came up.If he wants to make achievements, he must first rectify our industry. "

"And you, don't go out. Be careful to catch you as a whore."Sister vivi is so sleepy that she has to point at the tip of Henry's nose.

Henry agreed and said, "sister Cathy said she wanted to go to the bank, save money and find a teller machine."

Under sister vivi's edematous eye blisters, her eyes looked cold and said, "little fox, there are many thoughts.A Zi, would you like to help sister vivi and follow her.I dare not let her go out alone. Something will happen. "

Henry was eager for this and hurried down.

Sister vivi had no strength to say anything more and dragged her feet upstairs.Henry sat on the barber chair where the sponge burst out, ate a popsicle and pedaled the chair to rotate.The melted sweet water ran on his fingers and he licked it.

He brought the good news to Cathy. She cried with joy and immediately zipped the simple wardrobe. The crappy pattern of coconut trees on Hainan Island was split in two from the middle.Cathy rummaged through the boxes, compared a broadband vest with its navel exposed, and asked Henry, "is this good for me?"

"She asked me to go with you."

"I know, otherwise how dare you wear this?"She turned her back and put it on. Henry noticed that she was not wearing underwear.

After changing, she went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and suddenly shouted, "no, no, I forgot to shave.Henry, help me get the scraper in the drawer. "

Henry found a male razor and asked her, "is that it?"?Isn't this a razor? "

"Can you shave, but you can't shave?"Cathy raised her arm in the mirror and exposed her armpit prominently. There was a small cluster of lush black hair, a little long. Henry wondered why he hadn't noticed it before.Cathy changed a new band aid on her finger. It was thick and not easy to use. She didn't dare to catch the handle of the scraper because of the pain. After a few gestures, she looked at Henry in the mirror and begged, "help me, I'm afraid of being scratched."

Henry can only take the scraper of plastic black handle, touch two soap to make lubrication, and make a little foam on her armpit hair.Henry bent a little, grabbed her raised arm with one hand and smoothed her armpits with the other.

I don't know who did it first. When they reacted, Cathy had been pressed against the wall by Henry, and her tongue rushed to the top of her mouth.The scraper fell to the ground and was kicked away by Cathy.

They kissed fiercely for a while. Henry stirred dozens of circles in her mouth, swept her lovely front teeth and sucked her slippery tongue.Their mouths were wide open and the corners of their mouths were sour. Henry didn't let go until Cathy sobbed.Cathy's armpit was full of greasy soap bubbles. Henry raised her other arm and pressed it against the wall. The cold ceramic tiles pricked Cathy's hair up. Henry whispered, "sister... Sister, can you lick here?"

Cathy gasped eagerly and pressed Henry's head under her arm.Henry held the fertile soil before he could harvest, wet his hair with saliva, and the tip of his tongue acted as a hoe.He tasted a little salty sweat, and the tip of his nose was full of Cathy's smell.She's so clean. She's sweating so much. There's no smell here.The wet armpit hair formed wisps. Henry suddenly felt that she was more sexy without shaving her armpit hair.Sexual maturity brings lush black jungle, which symbolizes that the body can bear sex, accept a sex device and bear fruit.Her body is as smooth and beautiful as silk, but the vigorous growth of hair everywhere is also beautiful, which makes her more real, full and full of vitality.If peaches don't have that layer of fuzz, they won't be so attractive.

Cathy was licked hot and sweated more. Henry sent her sweat back to her lips.

They had been tossing about for a long time. They were so hot that they had to take turns to take a cold bath to cool down - sister vivi was distressed about the hot water fee and didn't turn on hot water until after 9 p.m.When they cleaned up and went out, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.Before leaving, Olivia looked at Cathy with alert eyes, pointed to the old wall clock on the wall and said she must be back before five o'clock.

Cathy was treated as a thief. Of course she was unhappy and pouted all the way.

Henry asked her, "Why are they so nervous? Have you run before?"

Cathy glanced at him and said, "what am I running... It's Jiao Jiao."When she saw Henry's puzzled expression, she explained, "that very young girl is eight months younger than Nannan.Comb two braids. "She put her two fists on her head, one left and one right.

Henry remembered that Jiao Jiao was a very gloomy girl. She looked very bad tempered. She ignored anyone except Cathy.Every time she ate, she tried to pull rice into her mouth in order to be the first to fall off the bowl and leave the table.Sister vivi basically doesn't get angry, but nine out of ten times she gets angry because of her.Once she refused to cooperate with the guests. Sister vivi slapped her with a chicken feather duster in front of the guests. She was stunned. She didn't cry or beg for mercy. She just lay on the ground and said indifferently that you might as well kill me.

The other ladies loved her and were afraid that she would be killed if she continued to be so stubborn. They hurried up and told Cathy.Cathy ran downstairs barefoot and hugged her, ready to use her back to block sister vivi's feather duster.Henry was afraid that Cathy would be hurt, so he hurried to hold sister vivi. Sister vivi loved Cathy more and scolded and stopped, which saved Jiao Jiao.

"... was cheated by her aunt.He said he took her out to work. As a result, he sold her to sister vivi for $50000 and disappeared.She didn't want to be a young lady and was not an adult. Sister vivi originally said to let her go as long as she returned the 50000 yuan... "

"Where did she get the money..." Henry was so upset that he couldn't say.

"Yes, so she can only stay in the hair salon until she makes fifty thousand yuan.She couldn't stand it several times. She wanted to run and was caught back by sister vivi and Olivia.So then sister vivi took all our ID cards and asked you to stare at me. "

They passed by the milk tea shop. Henry bought her milk tea. Cathy said, do you think this is a date?

Today, she looks like a schoolgirl who came out with him on the weekend: plain face up, big wavy curly hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a tight T-shirt and trumpet jeans, wearing flip flops and no high heels, and finally about as tall as Henry.

They walked five blocks before they found the teller machine.Cathy took out a bank card and a pile of cash from her small bag, about two or three thousand yuan. The notes were different from old to new.

After saving the money, the cup of milk tea just worked. Cathy was anxious to get rid of it.Henry, there's a fast food restaurant just over there. You can borrow the bathroom over there.

Cathy blushed: "no, it's inconvenient outside."

Henry said strangely, "what's inconvenient?"

Cathy pinched for a long time and said it was too dirty: "hurry up and go back and solve it."

She blushed and looked pitiful.Henry was afraid that she would suffocate. He just saw an empty taxi passing by. He waved to the master to turn his head.

Cathy grabbed his arm and looked very bad: "don't take a taxi."

Henry said, "it's very close. A starting price will arrive. Aren't you in a hurry?"

"Just because it's close, don't take a taxi and waste money."Cathy seldom looks so serious.

Henry still insisted on opening the door. Cathy suddenly got angry and walked in the same direction without looking back.She was tall and had long legs. When she took a big step, it was like flying. Henry had to apologize to the driver and ran after her.

Henry grabbed her arm and forced her to stop. He was a little annoyed: "what are you doing?I'm so stubborn and don't want you to pay. "

Cathy turned her head and said, "it's not about who's money. It's unnecessary money."

Henry was helpless: "aren't you in a hurry to go to the bathroom?"

"Just bear it."

"Why on earth do you save so much money?Send it home? "

Cathy snorted softly, "they don't want my dirty money."