Chapter 6

Henry, the first mock exam after the division of arts and sciences, completely failed. He chose science because his liberal arts are too bad, not because of the outstanding advantages of science. So when the head teacher stood on the podium holding a form and read from the first place, he began to doze off, with his hand on his chin, standing in front of him with an English book—because it was big enough.

"Henry, grade 658, third from the bottom of the class. Henry? Henry!"

Lin Jian is no longer his tablemate, so he is sitting third in their line. His deskmate was replaced by a boy with a pimple face. He only knew how to study crazy every day. As a result, he ranked one higher than Henry this time. The same table pushed Henry awake. He stood up and rubbed his eyes and walked slowly towards the front of the classroom, stopping under the head teacher's nose.

"With your attitude, you will be in the second year of high school in half a semester. Do you still want to take the college entrance examination?" The head teacher patted his transcript on the podium, reached out and pulled his loosely buttoned collar until it reached the top. Put on that one, then gritted his teeth and said: "Irregular appearance and attitude, what do you want to do? Failed in chemistry, 67 points in physics, not to speak Chinese and English, only mathematics can be seen. Why do you take the college entrance examination? "

Henry said flatly: "I will work hard, teacher."

"Work hard, how many times have you told me about hard work, but I will wait to see the results of your hard work."

Henry walked all the way to the seat while stacking the transcripts. When he passed by Lin Jian, he tripped his feet. Henry responded and gave Lin Jian a middle finger with a hippie smile. When he sat down, the transcript had been folded into a small square and dropped in the deepest part of the table hole. The thumb and index finger of his right hand picked up the pencil on the table and turned it around.

He was also annoyed. Although he has never worked too hard and has no fanatical obsession with achieving good results, it cannot be denied that the key high school is indeed a key high school, and no one wants to fall behind in that atmosphere, and he is no exception.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he got, he slapped the pencil on the table and scratched his hair irritably.

On the way back at night, he had a quarrel with his mother on the phone, and then the two cats in heat chased each other across the sidewalk and frightened him. Stinky fried tofu stalls on the side of the road convey the stench to the whole street, and there is still water from the previous day's rain on the ground, reflecting the pink-blue neon lights, and someone in the window under the neon lights is singing with a broken gong, carefully. At first glance, the words spelled out by the curved neon tube are xx Karaoke. Henry turned the corner at the second intersection, with an empty tube of crushed ice in his mouth, passing by a roadside stall selling mobile phone stickers and plastic hair ties.

Standing at the door of Lihong Hair Salon, he began to think about the meaning of returning to this place again and again for the first time. He suddenly felt that he should belong to a high school classroom, a dormitory with sweaty feet, and a room of Lin Jian A, Lin Jian B, Lin Jian C. After turning off the lights, he hid in the quilt and used his mobile phone to watch hundreds of mosaic pornography. . And not here, the cramped and gloomy alleys, the inevitable drains and the smell of garbage, the rusty iron glass doors, the smoky mahjong tables, and the undressed vulgar hair salon girls.

Sister Vivi was sweating profusely while playing mahjong, with oil beads on her forehead. She touched the green-backed mahjong tiles in one hand, and held the cigarette that burned to the end in the other. The ash was already an inch long and was in danger. She had just fired the gun to the upper house, and Olivia reached out to ask her for money. She grabbed Henry, who was walking inwardly, and stuffed a bunch of keys into his hand: "Azai, go, get two stacks of money in the bedside table." She ignored Henry and shouted at the poker table. "The last two stacks, finish sleeping! My old lady is bad luck tonight, it must be due to bad feng shui in this seat!" After she said she took the cigarette holder up and slammed, the surrounding women burst into a frantic laughter, Sister Vivi I didn't smoke any nicotine, and looked at my left hand in surprise: the cigarettes had been extinguished long ago, and a small pile of cooled soot accumulated on the green polyester-faced card table. Sister Vivi also laughed wildly, and said while laughing: "I'm so confused."

Henry took the keychain and went upstairs. Sister Vivi's room was on the first floor of the stairs, so that she could listen to the movements of the ladies returning to the house. Henry picked one of the biggest keys to insert into the keyhole, but failed. He changed a few more and couldn't insert it. An impatience in his stomach rushed up and burned his throat. He threw the keychain to the end of the corridor. . With too much strength, it instantly disappeared into the darkness.

Henry huffed his breath on his knees, almost nauseous, he had never noticed that this crumbling dilapidated house was filled with so much despair and fear that made him disgusted and made him want to escape. The voice of the class teacher talking to him after class is still around her ears. The woman with a knife-mouthed tofu heart cuts him an apple from the teacher's cafeteria at noon while persuading him to go back to school and live in school every night and study early in the morning. Before, at least one more hour of study time, and pay close attention to earning the grades to the middle of the grade before the end of high school, she was confident to plan with him, at least let him pass the college entrance examination to the provincial university.

The pale yellow apple was handed to Henry's hand. It was actually sweet and crunchy, but he didn't feel the slightest taste when he ate it.

Henry yelled in annoyance and squatted down with his head in his arms.

He let out a few more meaningless roars, purely to vent the frustration in his chest. After the roar, I realized that there was an extra pair of feet in front of me.

It's Emily. She picked up the keychain thrown by Henry and put it on the ground in front of him.

"The key to the door is the square one."

Henry sniffed and stood up holding the key. He didn't know when Emily came out, or how much Emily looked at him madly. He lowered his eyes to look at Emily. Her eyes were still red and swollen. She asked Henry, "Is there any smoke?"

Emily was wearing a white dress and disheveled hair, standing across from Henry asking for a cigarette. He thought her dress was very familiar.

The patio is connected to the kitchen, ten square meters, narrow and long. That day she was wearing this snow-white dress sitting by the moss-covered sink and crying hoarsely. There was an old-fashioned flip phone floating in the sink where Wendy was washing mops. , Wine red.

Her crying drew everyone in, and those who didn't go downstairs also leaned on the window to look. Sister Vivi arrived first, and at ten o'clock in the morning, the curls on her head were only half wrapped in time. After she stood still, she slapped Emily's face and cursed: "Smelly bitch, how about your mother's funeral early in the morning?"

The slap was crisp and loud, and Emily was slapped and turned her head away and stopped at that position. She still kept crying, howling after another. Cathy was also awakened by her crying, and raised her head dazedly and asked Henry: "Who is crying?"