Chapter 14

Henry just felt dizzy, anxious phones are arrested instability, uncontrolled voice system to overstating: " ? You how you hurt or sick?? "

Cathy cried for a while and then said, "It's not me ... but I'm so scared. I don't want to be alone in the hospital. Can you come with me? "

The preparatory bell for the late repair of the second quarter rang. Henry raised his head and looked at the wall clock above the blackboard, and rushed to his seat without hesitation. The phone was sandwiched between his head and shoulders. While sweeping the textbook, workbook and water-based pens into his bag, he comforted Cathy and said , " I'm coming right away, you will wait for me. "

Cathy cried and said, " Are you going to study at night? I'm sorry, I interrupted you. "

Henry threw his schoolbag over his shoulder, bent over and slipped out through the back door, lowered his voice and said to Cathy , " Don't talk to me about this bullshit. "

There was no parking at the entrance of the Central Hospital . He quarreled with the taxi driver, but the driver threw him at the intersection and told him to walk by himself. He ran to the side of Cathy called, Cathy told him that she sat outside the emergency room.

Henry rushed into the emergency room lobby. He didn't dare to discern his inner emotions carefully. Only by pushing out all the joys and sorrows could he support his physical body to do mechanical exercises.

He saw Cathy at a glance, and with just one glance he felt that all the strength of his legs had been taken away. He could no longer pull his feet, but he didn't know how to call her. He stood blankly in front of the registration desk, until he was squeezed away by other patients in the line, and he quickly apologized to others. Cathy hear his voice, to stand up and driven to distraction, covered with hair shaking. Her arm from the chest to the thigh and then, all had dried blood, dark Yi tablets. Henry felt that all the emotions he pushed out came back in an instant. It was so high that he couldn't speak. He reflexively retched twice. Cathy was already shaking so hard that he could not stand, his lips and tongue seemed to be stuck. At the same time, it is not easy to find other words at all, and can only call him Yiyi once: " Henry ... Henry ..."

His weak body was dragged by her voice, and finally moved to her. They stood facing each other, both of them trembling, Cathy raised a pair of blood-stained hands, not daring to touch Henry's white school uniform. Henry didn't hesitate any more, and put Cathy in his arms, pressing one hand on the back of her head.

In the emergency room, there are many rushes and life and death. No one cares about the two young people hugging each other tightly.

Henry tried to throw Cathy to press his arms, as if this kind he can feel her presence. He really regretted why they were stunned. When he saw Cathy's body covered in blood, he even felt that he was going to die for a moment. Even if he survived, he would inevitably fall into deep self-blame and fear. If Cathy happened today , how could he allow them to still hurt each other in the last conversation. He would regret for the rest of his life, he would regret not kissing her before going out that day, and he would regret the wasted time that he did not cherish every minute and every second.

Fortunately, fortunately, God treats him well, and fortunately it's not Cathy .

After a few minutes, maybe ten minutes, they slowly separated, and Henry then remembered to check Cathy's body in a hurry for any wounds. Cathy was touched by him from start to finish, and then he burst into laughter, and said with a hoarse voice: "It's okay, it's not my blood. "

Henry felt relieved, as if the big hand was finally willing to let him go. He took Cathy 's hand very hard: " Who is it? "

Cathy lowered her head and stared at her hands, as if they were being put on a very suitable pair of red gloves: " Jane . "

The first to be stained with her blood was the guest who ordered her tonight.

When work just started, most of the ladies were still sitting in the front hall chatting and eating watermelon. Jane was reluctant when she was first ordered in by a customer. Emily laughed at her and said: " Satisfied, grandma, how long have we been out of business? Envy You are too late. "

Jane half-closed her eyes and said: " You want you to go. "

Isabella ate the watermelon with juice, spraying the watermelon seeds and said: " You are worthy of you, and you don't want to take a pee and take photos of your face. I advise you to burn incense and worship Buddha as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention . You. "

Nan Nan was sandwiched between them and laughed. Emily slapped her and said, " You are so heartless. "

Jane is dark and blushing, she can't really see it, she walks under the flow card with great anxiety, and turns her card over.

Soon there was Jane 's cry from the room . At first it was not very clear. There was an old-fashioned sketch on the TV. Every bag was accompanied by canned laughter. Olivia was a little bit back and turned up the volume again and again, and Jane 's voice was patterned with laughter. Engulfed all the sound.

Later, Jiaojiao felt that something was wrong. When she was watching TV, she was absent-minded and frowned to listen to the movement. When Jane passed a loud voice, and finally screamed more and more sternly, she grabbed the remote control and pressed mute.

" Do not! " Sister Vivi This jump, and before her reaction, I heard a loud bang Lang, just the guests who bare buttocks, directly hit the door fell to the ground. The ladies screamed softly, vying to cover their eyes. Cathy slowly got up from the chair. She saw the hair from the guest's lower abdomen, and then saw the soft sex organs in the hair, she was shocked.

It was full of blood, and the air immediately smelled of rust.

Cathy rushed into the room, turned on the light, and saw Jane lying on the massage table with her legs wide open, and her lower body was bleeding out like a dam bursting, and the ones that couldn't fit in the top flowed down the edge, on the ground. A pool of blood has accumulated, and people are no longer conscious. Cathy Xunde air rich smell of blood would like to vomit, she grabbed the guests from the ground shirt, shut the Jane naked lower body wrap. The blood soon soaked through the shirt, and she lifted Jane sideways, kicked off her high heels as she ran outside.

Henry found out that she was barefoot and was about to take off her sneakers. Cathy said nothing, and the two of them gave way for a long time. He heard Sister Vivi 's voice from behind : " What did you call him for? ? "

When they turned their heads, they saw Sister Vivi approaching sternly, Olivia following behind, carrying Cathy 's high heels in her hand .

" ? You do not make good in school, why they come here ," Sister Vivi rarely with such a serious expression with Henry to talk, Henry a cold, honest and said: " Sister scared - more than one person more than force it, Sister Vivi . "

He quickly got up and gave his seat to Sister Vivi , and squeezed her shoulders: " How is the situation? "

Sister Vivi handle bag put in the legs, head back, stretching stiff neck: " idiot, do not even know she was pregnant. "

Olivia also found a seat behind her and sat down, turned sideways, lay one leg across the chair, scratching the top of her head, which was sore and sweaty. She sniffed her fingers and said, " Isabella was right before . Jane must be crazy. What is the name of her good man... Yes, he is Mike. Sister Vivi is not allowed to pick up guests. When she didn't wear a condom, she secretly pierced it and wanted to give birth to a baby for him. Did you think that the brain was kicked by a donkey? People have wives and children, do they deserve her? "

"Is the child saved? "

" Have a fart, you shed so much blood? Didn't you see that if it weren't for Jiaojiao, a clever girl, she would almost get in. " Sister Vivi spit in the handkerchief and folded it in her pocket. " I'm going to pay. She'd better not be a short-lived ghost. "

Olivia followed her up, thinking that she was out in a hurry, and she didn't notice that they were wearing slippers.

Henry pulled Cathy to the bathroom. She made a profit when she reached the door of the men's room. Henry didn't let go and dragged her directly to the sink. The bathroom on the first floor of the hospital must be the smelliest. I don't know if it is urine or sewage on the ground, and the mirror is too dirty to show people. Two sinks stood side by side. One of the faucets didn't flow out after ten turns. Henry unscrewed the other. The water was very small. He took a handful of water and poured it on Cathy's arm. After the blood shell melted away, the whole pool was shocking red.

Cathy sniffed, rubbing her nose on her shoulders. Henry washes very carefully. When he was a child, when he was not as high as the sink , his mother always washed the children's hands like this. Cathy 's hands were smaller than his, and he could completely wrap them up. He lowered his head, his two thumbs rubbed the blood stains on her hands vigorously, rubbing them together, and the liquid on Cathy's arm became hot.

" Don't do that operation, okay? "

Cathy didn't understand for a while, and asked dullly: " What? "

Henry 's hands were wet, he could only wipe his face with the sleeves near his shoulders like Cathy : " If you had an operation, you would bleed so much. "

Cathy then understood, she smiled: " Fool, everything in this world has to pay a price. "

Henry's hand stopped. He turned off the faucet, took a pack of facial tissues from his schoolbag, took one out and handed it to Cathy . She took it and heard Henry continue: " You don't need to pay the price. "

Henry took a step closer to her, and stepped on a puddle of dark sewage without paying attention to the sneakers that he regarded as precious: " You don't need to be a woman, I will love you as well. "

Cathy smiled tolerantly: " No, you wouldn't do that. "

" Why? "

" Men shouldn't like men. "

" Men can also like men. "

Cathy said : " Don't say such things, at least don't say it in the toilet, let's go out. "

Compared with the smell of excrement, the smell of Lyso water is simply fragrant. Henry grabbed Cathy and said, " We haven't finished talking just now. "

Cathy said helplessly: " What else do you want to say? "

" Don't you know that there is something called homosexuality in this world? "

The blood on Cathy's dress can't be washed away, and it still looks terrifying. It's no wonder that the person next to him looks at them with surprise, like a monster. Henry was upset, and he shouted back: " Look at your mother. "

Cathy took him to the place just now and sat down, wiped away the sweaty bangs on his forehead, and said calmly: " If we are gay, you will receive those eyes just now. "

" So what, they look at me once and I scold once. " Henry stubbornly raised his head to greet Cathy's calm, even hollow eyes.

Cathy said : " You are still too young, you don't understand many things. "

" Then tell it to me. I understand it after you say it. "

Cathy didn't have time to tell him, because Sister Vivi hurried over with Olivia , and Henry noticed that their slippers were finally replaced.

The hospital only allowed 10 minutes to visit. They all squeezed into the small temporary ward. The nurse said that after they finished the visit, Jane would be moved to the five-person ward on the 11th floor of the inpatient department and stay there for a week.

Jane's face was pale, embedded in the white hospital bed, her lips were not bloody. She saw Sister Viv i , then reached out, throaty voice: " Sister Vivi ?, Children do not have a child is not? "

Sister Vivi didn't touch her at all. He sat on the bench angrily and said : " That wicked kind, seeing Lord Yan go, shouldn't have stayed. "

Jane was stunned for a moment, then suddenly coughed with a trembling heart, as if trying to pull all her pain out of her throat. Cathy got up and wanted to pour a glass of water, but was drunk by Sister Vivi : " Don't move! Let her take a good look at how embarrassed she is now! Are you crazy about giving birth to a prostitute? Do you think this child can keep him? "

Jane could n't listen to Sister Vivi 's words at this time . She was flapping and struggling like a thirsty fish, murmured: " That's me and his child ..."

Anyone who sees this situation should feel sad, but Sister Vivi has a hard heart. She jumped up and said: " I have seen more men in Huang Lihong's life. I know more about the virtues of men than you! You don't believe me. I'm calling you now, you call him and tell him that you have lost a piece of his flesh in your stomach, what do you think he would say? "

She threw her phone on Jane and shouted, " Hit! "

Cathy could n't stand it, stood up and pulled Sister Vivi and said: " Okay, sister, let her rest. She is really weak now, don't force her. Fat sister, can you help me talk. "

Olivia spread her hands and said, " Sister Vivi did the right thing. She can't be stupid anymore. "

Jane stared at the phone on the quilt, trembling five fingers slowly stretched out and grabbed it. She held the phone and looked around the people in the room with her eyes asking for help.

She actually understands it!

Henry let out a long sigh in his heart.

Jane entered the number one by one into the phone number that she was familiar with. When she pressed the call button, she looked up at Sister Vivi again . Sister Vivi stuck her waist indifferently and stared : " Hit! "

Jane dialed out with a crying face. It took a long time for the line to be connected before being picked up. The other side lowered her voice and said, " Hey, that one. "

Jane burst into tears: " Brother Xu, it's me, I'm Jane . "

There was an obvious pause for a few seconds before a woman's impatient voice came: " Who, who is still calling at this late, do you want someone to go to bed? "

The man turned around and coaxed a few words, and then stuck to Mike: " Zhang, what can you say tomorrow? I'm already asleep. "

Jane cried: " Brother Xu, I'm pregnant. "

" Fuck ..." the man blurted out. " You wait. "

After the rustling sound, it was the sound of the toilet lid being turned over. The man said impatiently: " You fucking don't want to fiddle with me. Don't think I don't know the tricks of your scumbags, who knows if there are any children. , Besides, I bring a set every time! You don't even want to take a penny from me. "

His voice was too loud, everyone here heard it, and everyone was taken aback. Henry went to see Jane , who was crying on the bed , her face was a completely heartbroken expression.

" Don't you want it? This is our child! Brother Xu, you said you would divorce your wife and then take me away, how can you speak for nothing? "

" Damn, this woman you are stupid? Even the bed to talk about it, you fucking seriously blame me? " The man has repeatedly pressed its own volume, " I repeat, I will not give money. You call this power words , I'll call the police that you are extorting! "

Jane opened her mouth and finally shouted: " Brother Xu ..."

Her brother Xu couldn't hear her calling, he hurriedly closed the line, probably hurriedly to explain to his wife. Sister Vivi 's cell phone slipped slowly from Jane's fingers, with a muffled sound, and landed on the dead thick quilt.

All her movements were pressed down the slow release button, she lay down with her back to them, did not cry, but could not make a sound anymore, only buried herself in the bedding, as if it was not the one who had just escaped from the mother's womb. The unidentified fetus, but her. Therefore, she uses a quilt that the hospital does not know how many people have slept, and the cloth is sterilized to the point where the cloth is crispy.

When they returned to the Lihong Hair Salon, Wendy had already cleaned up the wreckage of the watermelon on the coffee table , as if it had never existed. At that time, Isabella ate half of the watermelon in her hand, the bright red flesh and juice, so much like the lump of flesh that fell between Jane's legs, it seemed that it had never existed. It comes from the unfeeling, unloving, game-playing father. It passed the needle eye of the infatuated mother on the rubber film. In the end, the unknowing stranger used the penis to stir the mother's vagina and broke it from the warm nest. With nostalgia to pass away. The destination is the medical garbage bag in the operating room, the sewer, and it is covered by a smear of loess. There are thousands of possibilities, but it will never be the cute baby in the arms of the parents.

Mike understands this truth, Sister Vivi understands it, and every woman in the Lihong Salon understands it, even Henry and Cathy .

Only Jane and her children, their mother always unknown white.