Chapter 15

Jane returned to the Lihong Hair Salon twenty-five days later. She lost a whole circle, and her full cheeks were deeply sunken, but she gained a haggard beauty.

If she used to be immersed in unrealistic fantasy every day, then she is no longer willing to think about anything now. Just being alive has consumed all of her energy. The enthusiasm and will for life quickly died out in twenty-five days. From a mature fruit, she completely shrank and only a shriveled nucleus remained.

People's pain usually only tortures oneself, and no matter how much compassion others take, they can't really empathize with them. Only Jane in this building is silently swallowing pain, and the others are enjoying their joys and sorrows at ease.

On the night of Jane's miscarriage, Henry and Cathy resumed their long-lost sex life, and it went very intensely. It was also that night that they realized that in their relationship, sex smoothed the estrangement between the two people and added firewood to the burning feeling; it unfolded the inner worries and forced people to confess the truth; it also combined the two independent Individuals are linked together.

This sex started when Cathy came out of the bathroom with mist and fragrance, and the moisture steamed every inch of her skin. She wore that old vest dress again, her hair half-dry, and she lay on the back of Henry who was studying at the desk .

A few drops of water fell on the round collar of Henry's T -shirt . He shuddered, closed the book , and said to Cathy , " Come here. "

Cathy obediently circled the chair halfway and stood in front of him.

Even the chemical molecules floating in the air know that they all want to have sex.

Henry 's hand touched her smooth thighs after removing the hair, and all the way to the hidden area, she realized that she was not wearing underwear. He caught the pen and sweated the fingers directly to the two heavy pouches under her. Cathy trembled and grabbed Henry 's arm.

He rolled up her skirt in circles until he saw her penis standing still between her legs, shy and timid, as if he was embarrassed to make Henry see himself.

Henry rubbed the top twice, and his hands were immediately covered with mucus, and he used the liquid to lubricate, shaking the stem back and forth. Cathy may have not done this for a long time , her body is very sensitive, her waist collapsed, begging him: " Go to bed, I can't stand anymore. "

Henry clasped her full buttocks with both hands, and said, " Sit on the table, okay? "

In that time the hospital attend to so many, holds many lessons calm down some time ago inevitably recall the contents of the quarrel, they are polite, did not dare to make love like in the past is so presumptuous excessive. Cathy was crying and she still put her big butt on the edge of the table honestly. Henry dragged the chair over, sat down in front of her wide-spreading legs, and rolled her skirt up again, leaning her face under her crotch to see the red penis that was fully erected. Cathy was uncomfortable with him. , Said: " What do you see it doing? "

"I have n't seen it for a long time, I thought about it. "

Cathy gently " Pooh ," a cry, Henry from her legs looked up, eyes eyes moist with, kissed the close of the crown head: " ? I ask you to help it, I did not want to "

Cathy was so hot by him that his penis moved uncontrollably, and a few drops of bright liquid were secreted from the small holes in his head.

Henry laughed ambiguously: " You don't need to ask, it will answer me by itself. " After saying that, he put the pink glans in his mouth, and his tongue was wrapped around the pillar first, and then the tip of his tongue lingered on the sensitive one. Refusing to leave in the gully. As soon as he came up, he stimulated the coronal sulcus, and the rough taste buds on the tip of the tongue rubbed the tender meat. It was not too comfortable, but it was enjoyable enough, and there was pain that couldn't be ignored in the refreshment. They are not people who are accustomed to being abused, but they all like to find their presence in pain in sex. Pure pleasure is too vain, and only after mixing with pain can it amplify happiness.

Cathy 's fingers were inserted into Henry's thick hair. He was sweating, and his hot head evaporated the scent of the shampoo. It was obviously the same shampoo, but it smelled better on the other person, mixing with a unique body odor. And hormones, the role of aphrodisiac is self-evident.

Cathy 's body was bent by the pleasure of her lover's sexual intercourse . She leaned back, her toes no longer touched the floor, she simply put her legs on Henry's shoulders, bent her knees under his armpits, and drove him towards herself. Side pressure.

She didn't want to be idle on the top. She pulled up the skirt again and again, with the hem between the two front teeth, and said vaguely: " Touch here ... Henry ..."

She acted like a baby with a crying voice, and her voice was sticky like maltose. Henry felt that his fellow was so hard that he was about to explode, but there was another idea in his heart, and he must first serve her comfortably before daring to implement it. So he fiddled with her nipple with one hand, pinching it back and forth with two fingers. Cathy's nipples are very sensitive. Henry makes him cry and scream. With his toes stretched out, he pinches the other side indiscriminately, calling Henry : "A little bit deeper ... I'm almost there ..."

Henry listened to her and awkwardly pushed her penis to his throat, her mouth and tongue squeezed the stem regularly, and Cathy shot in his mouth a few times. While she was ejaculating, Henry slammed hard, trying to suck every drop of semen. Dry. Cathy was so happy that he collapsed on the table, twitching in his abdomen, and it took more than ten seconds to stop before he stopped.

Henry spit out the salty semen from his mouth into the palm of his hand and mixed his own saliva. While Cathy was immersed in the aftermath of the orgasm, he lost consciousness. The viscous liquid in one hand was directly pasted between her crotches, and the liquid was tightly closed with his fingers. Poking in the hole.

Cathy shook all over and stood up and said, " What are you doing ..."

The temperature in the room is too high, and the two fans are not helpful. She is pink all over, her hair is sweaty, and she sticks to her arms. After the orgasm, people are content and powerless, so her questioning tone is soft and without lethality. Henry upper body covered in the past, pressing her kiss, tried to use his tongue to Cathy : Finally out of reason , " I saw a few pieces holidays, men having sex with men is that they will plug this place, looks very interesting. " After The soreness of the acupuncture points caused Cathy to conditioned her hip muscles reflexively. She didn't seem to lose her sanity. She frowned and said, " Take it out quickly. It's strange. That place is not for sex. "

Henry refused, relying on the fact that he had just shot Cathy , and tried to do whatever he wanted, but instead added a finger. CA thy It vigorous earn move, red eyes, eyes looking at is anger and shame to cry, shrill shouting: " !! You must not let go of plug there ."

Henry 's fingers didn't go deep in the first place. She fell out as soon as she moved. Cathy gasped, her eyes full of tears, and the back acupoints of two fingers just swallowed desperately to squeeze out a bit of muddy liquid.

Henry originally thought that she would half-push and half-place to agree, but she didn't expect her to react so badly, so she hugged her into her arms and apologized: " Sorry, don't cry, I just didn't do it. "

Cathy sobbed against his chest: " Henry , are you still looking for a woman? "

Henry pulled her away to see her face flushed from crying, " Also nonsense, what are you thinking about all day long? "

"You only need to find a place to penetrate when you do with a woman, don't you? The man's hole is not for this kind of thing. " Cathy stared, hands wrapped behind Henry's thin and powerful waist. " You want to find a hole. Isn't it because you are used to fucking women? "

Henry was anxious, took a bite on her chin, hate: " Have I ever fucked a woman, you don't know? "

Cathy cast aside his gaze and muttered: " There was no such thing before, but who knows if you have fucked any female classmate in the past two months. There are a lot of people chasing you, don't think I'm stupid. "

Henry could sort of understand why Cathy wanted to get angry with him. If a wise man was silly in his relationship, it would have been unreasonable. He found that he was too dull, she wanted to be filled with the abyss of fear, her unspeakable desire, how much she wished he could take the initiative to discover it before she spoke.

Henry said: "There are many people who chase me, but I only love you. "

There are many men who like you, but do you only love me? Have you ever loved me?

He couldn't ask the following words, he looked forward to knowing the answer day and night, but no one was more afraid of the truth than him. He would rather be so confused.

He leaned forward to kiss Cathy , holding the mole under her lips that made him fascinated, and sucking carefully, Cathy sat on his lap and moved him , reaching out to touch his firm desire.

Henry was quickly immersed in waves of pleasure. He groaned and pulled the waistband of his trousers down, asking Cathy 's hand to reach in. Excessive pleasure made his brain go blank, he could only fall on the back of the chair and breathe uncontrollably. All the blood rushed down his body and his penis was so hot. This is what Cathy is used to doing, using dexterous hands to vent his sexual desires. . She went to bite Henry's protruding apple.

He panted hurriedly, trying to watch his hideous sexual organs obediently surrender in Cathy's hands. It's hard to say whether his penis is more soothed, or his erotic desires feel better controlled by Cathy . He was eager to lock his penis from now on, but Cathy was the only one with the key . He was willing to be held in the palm of her hand, and he wanted to be her slave emotionally, so that she could rest assured that when he devoted himself to her.

He growled and shot it into Cathy's hand, Cathy tightening his fingers hard. At the moment of his ejaculation, his whole person seemed to no longer exist, except for the cock that Cathy grasped tightly, only it still existed, and the meaning of its existence was to be controlled by Cathy , and the meaning of his coming was to fall in love with Cathy . How grateful he was at this moment for the two pieces of meat under his crotch, it was it that led him to find his home.

Henry 's semen was sprayed on Cathy's old dress. They ignored them, and the two of them held each other crazy and bit each other's lips. This is a kiss that has nothing to do with pleasure. They need to use this kiss. Prove that the other party has not left.

Cathy held Henry 's face, Henry tasted the salty taste, not knowing whether it was sweat or tears. " I'm sorry. " she said.

" Why do you want to apologize to me? " Henry felt his lips numb. He touched Cathy 's same red and swollen lips with his thumb . There are always so many things in Cathy's eyes that he can't read. Sometimes he is really very Anxious, but he understands that Cathy is not a person who likes to share his emotions.

" It would be great if I were a woman. "

"Do n't be stupid. " Henry said , " You are fine like this, I have already told you. "

" You don't understand. " Cathy was stubborn.

" Then you say, I'm listening. "

Cathy sighed. Henry took a paper from the table and wiped her face carefully. Cathy was as good as a kitten, and wiped his face up. Henry couldn't help holding her in his arms and kissed her again, this time the kiss was very lingering.

Cathy was distracted by his kiss, and suddenly he thoughtlessly said: "If it's a woman, don't need to insert it. "

" What? "

She drew a line on her left palm with her right index finger: " This is a gift from God, the law of nature, male and female. " Then she poked it again, " This is a sexual intercourse against the law. "

Henry could n't convince her, nor could he convince himself. Cathy leaned sadly on his shoulder, Henry 's hand reached into her already wrinkled clothes and touched her puffy nipples. He didn't think it was any different, except that he changed one part to please each other. If Cathy wanted, she could also pierce his asshole, he didn't care.

But Cathy minded that he had to compromise for their fragile feelings.

Cathy loves being touched by her nipples, and after a while , she reacts again, and kisses Henry on the side of the neck like a splash, humming and telling him that she still wants it. Henry pressed her to the table again, and the test paper that had just been under her ass was soggy, and the lettering was illegible. Apart from semen and sweat, it seemed to be stained with some other unidentified liquid. He didn't mind to tell, he got up and threw it on the bed, told Cathy to separate his legs, and masturbated to him. Cathy crossed her legs, and all the sexual parts between her legs were bright red. She licked quickly, her eyes fixed on Henry 's face, her eyes blurred and infatuated, and his broken name was called in her mouth. The second time she had an orgasm, she could only shoot out some thin liquid.

Henry kissed her hard, producing a dying pleasure.

There were still underwear hanging on the anti-theft net. He heard someone smoking in the window next door. Cathy crawled out from under him. The skirt was stuck to the skin and flesh and couldn't cover the butt. She raised her hand to take the half-dry underwear. Henry saw her. There is a water mark between the legs and a few red fingerprints on the buttocks.