Chapter 11 - Exorcising Two Special Grade Curses

"So you have company right? Why don't you let the other join you? Or do you have specific reasons?" Sachiko asked casually.

"You'll see when the time comes. By then, you'll have nothing to..."

"Oh, I think I already have an idea on that. The other has been preparing to trap me in this barrier, right?" Sachiko sniffed the air."Judging by some strange spell lingering in the air, you're just buying some time until I breathed in enough of whatever in the air. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Actually, Sachiko noticed the faint weird smell as soon as she came into the barrier. At first, she thought that that might be the cursed spirit's ability. But, after fighting for a few minutes, she was sure it wasn't the case. She could see the cursed spirit was no match for her and it knew that, too. However , it continued fighting her like it believed she would be taken down. Then, she connected the dots. There were two cursed spirit in this park and the other curse was good at concealing its aura and it could produce some faint smell to defeat its enemies. The curse she was fighting knew this and was just buying some time to make her breathe in enough of the smell.

"You....!! Even if you know this, it's too late. You would've breathed in a lot of it already. There was no way you aren't poisoned yet!" The other curse yelled.

Sachiko smirked. It already showed its face, huh?

She chuckled a bit as she said, "Sorry to disappoint you but I've been using reversed curse technique to heal and get rid of the poison. Well, even if I didn't, I don't think that would've killed me. Maybe I would fall sleep for a few hours after exorcising you two. But, I'm not keen on that idea. You know, my sensei said he was buying me dinner after this."

"You brat!! I don't believe !! I'm gonna kill you!!!" One curse charged towards her and the other produced even more gas, making the smell unbearable.

"Eww, it stinks! You have no sense of taste at all!!!" Sachiko covered her nose annoyingly. "What is even the effect of this?"

"Like hell I would tell you!!!" It yelled.

"You won't? Then, take a good look at this, okay?" Sachiko said as she chanted lightly, "Prison of Nightmares."

The two curses were enveloped in a mist and they were forced to watch how they got exorcised by Sachiko in different possibilities.

"You know I can exorcise you right? So tell me everything and I'll let you choose how you get exorcised!" She smiled.

"Even if I die, I'm not telling you!!!"

"Then, there's only one way to deal this." Sachiko said as she chanted and made a hand gesture, "Domain Expansion."

"Myriad Possibilities."

The two curses were dragged into her innate domain and she asked, "Now, tell me everything."

In her domain, as long as she was stronger than her opponent, everything she said would be 100% possible. If she was at the same strength with the opponent, the opponent might struggle a little bit but as the time comes, they would still give in. If the opponent is stronger, the ability might not work or the possibility will decrease significantly. However, Sachiko didn't need to worry about that since these two curses were significantly weaker than her.

Just after she asked them, they answered.

"....I don't know anything. As long as I remember, I was already a special grade tied to this place. I poisoned everyone who entered the area and if they survived the poison, I gave them to a fellow cursed spirit. I...I don't know what happens after that."

The other curse agreed, "I..I'm the same, too. One day, I was suddenly a special grade curse. I can't go out of this park so I just injure whoever comes into this place. Usually, they get poisoned and died. Sometimes , they would just fell into coma. Then, a fellow cursed spirit usually took them."

"Who is that cursed spirit?"

"Don't...don't know." The two curses answered.

"Your answers aren't interesting at all." Sachiko said with a frown.

"Just die now."

The two curses exploded.

"So it's finally done." Sachiko said as she got out of her domain. She walked back to the park entrance and saw Ijichi who had a nervous look on his face.

"Ijichi san? Did something happen?"

As soon as he saw her, Ijichi heaved a sigh of relief inwards. "It's nothing."

"Okay, Anyway, there were two curses in there. Both special grades." Sachiko described what happened to Ijichi. Ijichi nodded as he listened to her, but when she got to the part where she just casually threw the two into her innate domain to interrogate, he felt a chill down his spine. There was also the part where Sachiko just breathed in posion on purpose to know the effect. Was she crazy? He get that she could remove the effects of poison and heal herself but that doesn't make any less crazier.


"Gojo sensei!!" Sachiko called Gojo as soon as she was done with the explanation. It was only 6:30 so she still could get dinner!

"Yo! Sachiko, are you done?" Gojo's voice could be heard over the phone.

"Uh huh." Sachiko nodded, then complained, "Sensei, there were two!! Two special grade curses!! And I even had to walk around for an hour to find them!"

Sachiko could swear she heard Gojo laughing. "Is that so? That's unfortunate. You should rest then. I'll just buy you dinner next time."

"What? No!!! I swear I'm gonna punch you if you don't buy me dinner tonight!" Sachiko said. "Although I still would punch you for dumping your troublesome work to me."

"Haha, Okay. Okay. What do you want to eat? I'll come over." Gojo finally said with a chuckle.

Sachiko thought for a while, then, replied, "I want salmon. And seafood."

"Alright. I know a good restaurant. I'll send you the address so let's just meet there" Gojo said.

"Okay." Sachiko said and then, hang up. Just after hanging up the phone, she realized an issue. She was wearing the uniform and as she fought with the two curses, the uniform was a bit dirty.

"Maybe I should've brought a dress.." She groaned.


Outside the restaurant, Sachiko was waiting for Gojo. She had been here for ten minutes and still didn't see any trace of Gojo. If she wasn't goona punch him before, now she really was going to, for being late.

A few minutes later, Gojo was finally here.

"Yo! I'm here!" He said. He was wearing a blue shirt with black pants.

Did she actually punch Gojo because he was late? Well, no. She was busy looking at Gojo wearing casual clothes.

Sachiko waved back with a blush and they went into the restaurant. They sat at a table near the window where they could see the night-view of Tokyo. They ordered from the menu and suddenly, Sachiko was reminded Gojo didn't bring any of her classmates for dinner and it was only the two of them. Sachiko could feel her cheeks turning a bit pink. Was she blushing again?

Sachiko wanted the blush to go away because Gojo was her teacher and it was awkward to be blushing over the fact that Gojo casually bought her dinner. But, it didn't help when Gojo chuckled as he stared at her.

Did he notice her blushing?

Thinking about it, she blushed even more.

'Why am I being like this?' She thought.

"Oh, your cheeks are pink, Sachiko. Are you sick?" Gojo said and Sachiko knew he was just teasing her.

" I just think this place is a little hot. Yeah..that's it."

"Are you sure?" Gojo asked again but his voice shook a little as he muffled his chuckle. Sachiko nodded without looking him in the eye.

Gojo chuckled at that and Sachiko fought the urge to punch him in the face for teasing her. Not that she would actually punch him because he looks so good and..Wait, that is not even the point. Anyway, she really tried her best to ignore him and dig in when the food arrived.

'I was here for food. I was here for food.' She reminded herself.