Chapter 12 - Nanami Kento

" Exorcising two special grade curses alone? And she also claims that the fight itself only lasted a few minutes?" Gakuganji raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. I'm afraid that kind of power is..."

"Another special grade? Just what is Gojo Satoru planning?" Gakuganji said with a frown.

He already checked the background of that student, Nakamura Sachiko. There was nothing special, she was from a normal, non-Jujutsu sorcerer family and went to a regular high school. But, along with the Sukuna's vessel, she got into Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. The more suspicious thing is Gojo himself mentioned and praised her several times, claiming that she would grow to be as strong as him if not stronger. He even got information like Gojo trained her personally and even gave challenging tasks for her growth.

He subconsciously pulled his beard. Gojo had said some interesting words during their last meeting and he didn't like where this was going. He didn't need another Gojo Satoru.

"Find a way to suppress her and if there're any chances, kill her along with Itadori Yuuji." He said.


A month passed by quickly after that and both Itadori and Sachiko improved a lot. Itadori could now infuse cursed energy into his fist although there was still a time lag. Sachiko improved her cursed energy manipulation technique and fighting after fighting with Gojo for a month. She still doesn't know how much her Possibility technique has improved since she rarely used it outside of her innate domain. But, when fighting with Gojo, she would see the probability of her moves working. So, she knew it should've improved to some degree. However, the biggest gain lies in her cursed energy manipulation technique. After seemingly maxing out the ability to control and manipulate her own cursed energy, she made an interesting discovery that she could now feel the connection to other's cursed energy as well. She could not manipulate it yet but she had a feeling that she might be able to in the future.

Aside from that, she also got closer with Itadori since she sometimes explained him how to use cursed energy to attack.

"Itadori, Sachiko, there's a case I need you two to investigate. But I can't take you there this time. Don't worry. I've contacted a trustworthy junior." That was Gojo said before taking them to meet someone.

"This is Nanami Kento, who quitted his office work!" Gojo introduced as he put his hand onto Nanami's shoulder.

Nanami said as he crossed his arms, "Please don't do that."

"There're so many strange Jujutsu sorcerers. But he used to work in an office so he's reliable. And he's a Grade 1 Jujutsu sorcerer." Gojo said.

"I don't think others want to hear that from you." Nanami said.

"But since you quit your office work, why don't you become a Jujutsu sorcerer from the beginning ?" Itadori asked.

"We should start with self-introductions first." Nanami said, "Nice to meet you, Itadori kun, Nakamura chan."

"Nice to meet you, Nanami san!" Sachiko said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." Itadori said.

Then, Nanami went on saying he think Jujutsu sorcers were shit and after working in an office, he found the office work shit, too. So, he chose to came back.

"Wow, he's dark."

"Yeah, he is."

"Yeah, so dark."

Gojo, Sachiko and Itadori whispered in the background.

Nanami gave them a brief unimpressed look. Then, said slowly, "I trust him and have confidence in him. But I don't respect him!"

"What?" Gojo shouted.

"Pff.." Sachiko laughed at that Gojo looked like he was hurt. Talk about being dramatic!

Nanami then, said although he didn't like the higher-ups, he still adhere to rules strictly. He turned to Itadori and said, "I don't acknowledge you as a Jujutsu sorcerer. While you have a time bomb like Sukuna, please prove to me that you're a useful person."

"Wow, he's harsh." Sachiko whispered to Gojo and he whispered back, "Yeah, they say he's the most mature man." Sachiko glanced towards Nanami and whispered again, "He really does look like it."

Itadori said how he was going to prove himself but Nanami said he wasn't interested. He then, sent a glare towards Gojo and Sachiko.

"You two realize I can hear you, right?" Nanami asked.

"Sachiko started it!" Gojo said.

"Sorry." Sachiko said with an awkward laugh.

Anyway, Itadori and Sachiko went with Nanami to investigate the case. The location was Kinema Cinema, Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture. The news reported that a staff found three peculiar bodies of high school students.


"So, Nanami san, you said you don't acknowledge Itadori as a Jujutsu sorcerer. What about me?" Sachiko asked as they entered the cinema.

"I don't have any opinions towards you."

"Is that so? I thought I'm going to get an interesting answer." Sachiko said lightly as she walked towards the exit door."Hmm? I can sense it."

"These are cursed energy residuals." Sachiko muttered.

'So, she can already sense and see that? It seems rumors are really true.' Nanami thought.

"Huh? What residuals?" Itadori asked.

"When you use cursed techniques, you'll leave traces. They're called residuals." Nanami explained to Itadori.

"But I still can't see them."

"It's because you're not trying." Nanami said firmly.

"You need to focus more to see those residuals. They're harder to see than curses." Sachiko explained to him. Itadori nodded and looked carefully.

"Hey, I see it!!"

"Of course. You're considered a qualified sorcerer if you can sense them before seeing them." Nanami said.

"You can be more encouraging, you know?" Itadori said and Nanami just responded with, "I don't encourage or discourage people. I observe the facts and judge by them."

"We're chasing them." Nanami said.

"Yes!" Sachiko nodded.

"Let's do our best!" Itadori said.

"No, let's just casually do it if we can." Nanani said as he followed the residuals.

"Alright." Sachiko said simply and followed him.

Walking out of the cinema, they were led to a basketball court.

"Do you think the culprit is a cursed spirit?" Itadori asked.

"Well..that teenager has the motive to do so but that's not our job to investigate him." Nanami replied.

"Yeah, but it's not like normal people could've done this. Either it's a curse user or a cursed spirit." Sachiko said.

After they walked a few more steps, they saw two curses near the seats.

"Lunchbox...lunchbox.." It was muttering.


Itadori was just about to move when Nanami said, "I'll take care of these. You take care lf another...."

He was interrupted by a curse's head getting cut off. He looked over to see Sachiko holding a cursed energy katana.


"Sorry.. I moved too quickly and didn't hear you say.." Sachiko scratched her head awkwardly.

"..I'll deal with this one." Nanami said as he charged towards the remaining curse.

"Detergent. .detergent.."

Another curse was coming and Itadori charged forward to fight it.

"I guess I'll just wait them?" Sachiko muttered.

Nanami talked about his cursed technique and cut the curse into seven parts. Itadori dealt a heavy punch followed by his cursed energy to the other curse and it created a hole on its body.

But, something was odd. The bodies didn't disappear. The same goes for the curse Sachiko dealt with.

She saw Nanami taking a photo of the curse's hand and the curse was visible in the photo. What was happening?

Nanami called Shoko and they found out that those were humans, no, used to be humans.

"What..what kind of cursed technique is that?" She heard Itadori asked. They didn't know.

"I...I killed humans.." Itadori mumbled.

"Hey..Shoko san said they died after being transformed into these. It's not your fault that they died. " Sachiko said.

"But still my fault is there.. how can you be so calm about this?" Itadori asked.

"I mean I'm not that calm...There's this curse who can transform people into curses on the loose and I even accidentally killed one myself so there's no way I'm calm. I just choose..not to dwell on the fact. Maybe I was just trying to make myself feel less guilty but it might actually be a good thing they died. You know.. if I were them, I'd rather die than live like that." Sachiko said slowly.

'This Nakamura, she sure is an interesting individual. ' Nanami thought.

Nanami said after a while, "Those residuals are bait. It's probably to draw us out."

Nanami said as he stood up.

"Let's do our best!"

"Yes!" Itadori said.

"Okay!" Sachiko nodded.


"The recent disappearances and bizarre deaths have been consolidated into residuals report by a window.With this , we can pinpoint the culprit's hideout within a certain range." Nanami said.

"Good, are we going to barge in?" Itadori asked.

"This is just the approximation.I'll continue the investigation." Nanami replied. Sachiko frowned at that.

"Itadori, Nakamura, I have another job for you. This is the teenager that was in the cinema, Yoshino Junpei." Nanami said as he put a teenager's photo on the wall. He explained that they neef to investigate him.

"Nanami san, can I speak with you alone?" Sachiko asked as soon as Nanami had finished explaining.


They talked outside of the room.

"Nanami san, you already knew where the hideout is, right? Why can't you take us?" Sachiko finally asked.

Nanami looked surprised but he still said,

"Because there is a risk to go alone and there is also a risk to take you two. I just chose the former."

"Why? Is it because you think we're weak? If that's the case, you don't need to worry. Even if I can't take down the curse, I'm not going to be a burden!" Sachiko said.

"Because you two are kids."

"Umm..I'm nineteen so technically, I'm not a kid." Sachiko raised her hand as she said.


"Now you can take me there, right?" Sachiko asked.



Nanami said after a while, "No, it could be a special grade curse and there was no way..."

"Well, Gojo sensei said I should be able to deal with them easily now. So, I'm still coming with you, Nanami san." Sachiko said with a smile. Then, she walked back into the room.

"Nakamura, if you're done, let's go." Itadori said.

"Oh, I'm helping Nanami san with the investigation! You and Ijichi san just go ahead!" Sachiko said.

"I didn't say you could come.." Nanami started only to be interrupted by Sachiko. "But I already said I'm coming with you, Nanami san!"

'I don't think that's how you supppsed to ask someone..' Itadori thought.

"Well, Nanami sensei, be careful then!" Itadori said.

"Itadori kun, I'm not a teacher so please don't address me like that." Nanami said with a sigh.

"Nanami then!" Itadori said.

"I'll beat you up." Nanami said.

"Can I call you Nanami too?" Sachiko asked.

"I'll beat you up, too." Nanami replied.


Sachiko went into the hideout with Nanami. Nanami looked so done with her. If the current issue wasn't important, he would've grabbed her collar and send her back to Gojo Satoru.

A curse ambushed them from above but Sachiko cut its head with her cursed energy katana blade.

"That was a human." She said after a while, seeing the body didn't disappear.