The Next Generation

The world around Aiden began turning redder and redder and that was when Aiden was taken away while the others were being sent somewhere else while Copycat and his crew were being vaporised and when Aiden woke up, he saw that the person that grabbed him was the same person that he had strangely met back In Antroia, "I'll be honest with you that I really should've made my appearance quite earlier, please accept this hand as an apology... my name is Fadias Paradox but I hope you'll call me Paradox... Uhm hello? Young Master Aiden Master? What shall I do?" Aiden then woke up from his trans-state and saw that Paradox was in a bad state with how much there were thousands of scars around his right arm and he also saw how much he was wearing a robotic armour arm and with how he dressed was like something from a military officer even down to the torn tail.

"Okay you have my attention, now what are you and what do you want with me and what was that just now?" Paradox answered only one of Aiden's questions and he said, "What you saw was the fake copycat and that was a test to see if who Axel choose was the right one and that's all you need to know." Paradox then walked off expecting Aiden to follow him but Aiden wanted to know more about what was going on but all Fadias said was, "Patience." Aiden was already tired of having to hear that and wanted to know of his sisters which he replied, "I'll tell you this, my friend...they're sade and they're in great danger until you're ready so for now you'll be exploring with me until you're ready for what is going to happen in the next 2 years. Aiden wanted to know what will happen but Fadias said the same thing and that was 'patience'. "Well then I have to know something and that is about your friendship with Ramble." Aiden didn't want to talk about Ramble but Fadias wanted to know.

Aiden was about to recap but that was when he was put in a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Amy and Anna found themselves back in their residence but without Aiden back with them, Edzy was there in Aidens bed and when he got up, they found a note saying, "Your brother is safe but for now but he'll be back soon and what I may suggest is that the Mystery twins get to a certain Chronicle or shall I say Phantom Chronicles." They both found their book and the next thing they did was exploring the Chronicles, "Ready Amy." Amy's reply, "No... let's do this Anna." They jumped into the portal and the next thing, they're back in Khennguian and Anna was reunited with an old friend, "EDGE...I'M BACK!!" Edge then dashed to Anna but it wasn't to hug her but to protect her from what was happening around Amy and Anna.

Amy: What happened to this place?

Anna: I don't know but what I do know is that we have to find the problem... this must be Arkcon.

Amy: It can't be... we watched him being trapped in a high-end prison, Ark said that we don't have to worry about it.

Anna: Whatever is happening... we need to be aware of who it is and be ready to save it.

Amy and Anna saw that all of the Beasts were running away, some were trying to protect them and end up dying.

"I can't stand this any longer," Anna screaming intensively.