One's True Intentions

An hour swiftly passed. 

At the Huang Dragon's terrain camp, Cain, Kali, and Amber were perfectly healed with all of their reserves capacity back at 100%. 

However, the trio is still assimilated in their cultivation states.

At this time, Cain was nearing a small breakthrough. 

His Soul was stirring, exuding instinctive sensations. His Mental Psyche gradually felt far closer to Source Laws than what it did just an hour ago.

Already, Cain was nearing a breakthrough to his Source Law attainment path! 

After absorbing and fusing with numerous Divine Origin Soul's Core, it was only a foregone conclusion.

Cain merely needed to take the time to properly digest his gains for it to take full effect. 

Seconds later, Cain felt like what was a clicking sensation within his Soul. 

His Mental Psyche slightly quivered, expanding, indicating that he indeed reached a new success of attainment.