
Kali and Amber dying?

A storm like no other whirled Cain's Martial Heart. It took all of his willpower to not outwardly lash out. 

The main important thing is ensuring the girls' safety. Nothing else matters at that moment.

Still, before replying to the first question, Cain suddenly asked, "Senior, I have heard rumors circulating. Are you perhaps the remnant soul of Heavenly Venerate Nightmare Lord? My Soul Sense is highly perspective, as you know."

"Since you know and we will be working together, there's no harm to let you know. Indeed, I am Heavenly Venerate Nightmare Lord. And my plan is for an ordinary bodily revival. Thanks to you, boy, the nourishment of these Souls helped more than what I had achieved in these dozens of years. And now, what I need is a potent bloodline so the body can just barely hold a wisp of my Soul. Thus, you are a critical component for me."

Nightmare Lord exposed everything without a hint of hesitation.